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Minigames Master update for 21 February 2023

Air becomes bigger?

Share · View all patches · Build 10604440 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Welcome to the second major update! With this update we bring you new additions to the air level + some interesting UI changes which we hope makes your experience better! Let's get into them!

Air map

The air map got new obstacles. They are easy to understand, but make the map longer!

The dive

In this obstacle you have to jump to the small platform and try not to fall.

The walkway

Here you have to walk down a simple path.

The path

Similarly to the lava level, here you have to choose the correct path.

UI Changes

We changed the font of all the menu's and beveled the edges. To make it even better we added a click sound to all the buttons.

QoL Changes

In the start of the game, there is a short splash screen which can be skipped. We also made it easier to move while in air.

Release state and other important information

We decided to make the release date public. The game will be released on the 3rd of March 2023. We really hope for you to support us by wishlisting the game and getting it on release. Did we mention that the game is going to be free? So we don't see any reason why not to wishlist the game and help us! We also made a developer board so you can track future updates and see what we are doing. You can see it by using this link.

Thank you very much for the support and the 25+ wishlists! We wish you a good day!

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