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Hard Bullet update for 22 February 2023

Hand Poses, Performance Update, QoL Improvements and What's Next

Share · View all patches · Build 10604286 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Arena Performance Improvements

Huge rework of lighting on all arenas, improved visuals, added some details and the most important — FPS boost. Here are some noticable examples:

Dead End Sandbox



Hand Poses

Custom poses for all game firearms are here! No more wacky grabs, clipping fingers and other immersion-breaking visual glitches. Hold your guns like you should.

Sound Updates

It took a while but we finally find a new partner to help us with sounds — Volkov Studio! Check out their Youtube or website.

Guys already did a good job with break-actions and are adding brand new sounds for Hard Bullet revolvers today.

This is just the start as sound team is full of great ideas and clever solutions, so prepare to hear some changes in the future updates!

Other Bugfixes & Improvements:

  • Revolvers: Added Recoil;
  • Revolvers: Added two new revolvers — Bodyguard and Rhino;
  • Pistols: Now can be hold for the second hand grab point alone;
  • Gore: 9mm deal more visible damage to enemy head;
  • Gore: Shotgun body damage effect depth increased;
  • Ammo Workshop: Revolvers can be used too;
  • Armory: Tuned distance to show/hide weapons on stands;
  • UI: Added a scroll element to some Settings tabs;
  • Reduced size on drive from 18Gb to 15Gb;

Things we are working on

Here are some cool things we are working on right now, some you'll see quite soon, but some will take months, let's dive into our plans together!

More Virtual Cameras

More tools for content makers to create impressive machinimas and show Hard Bullet from new angles. We plan to add possibility to switch between several cameras that you can place on arena. We also are working on innovative AI camera that should follow player as he goes though levels.

And of course we'll finally be able to see the main character's face reactions!

Lever Action Rifles

After delivering you break action and revolvers, the most tricky type of firearm is left — the lever action rifle. We plan to ship those during March-April period.

Raid* Game Mode

Our try in large arenas like City Rooftops gone quite well so we decided to move further and started working on new game mode with working title Raid. *It does not mean we want you to assult somehting, it just sounds nice.

This also includes long-awaited AI update and some narrative so we'll be a step closer to more complex things like Story mode in the future.

There is no strict date for this new game mode, we'll show some progress in Devlogs when we'll be ready.

Join our communities to directly talk to us:
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Windows 64-bit Hard Bullet Content Depot 1294761
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