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Melody's Escape 2 update for 21 February 2023

Patch v0.5.3b: New intermediate "custom" difficulties

Share · View all patches · Build 10604125 · Last edited 21 February 2023 – 18:59:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This update introduces 2 new easier variants of Input Methods specifically created for the "Custom Difficulty" menu, with the intention for them to act as an intermediate difficulty between Relaxing and Medium, and between Medium and Intense respectively.

Those new custom "LITE" variants consist of easier versions of the Medium and Intense input schemes, as they still use their regular inputs for solid obstacles (represented by a square ground indicator), but will always use "Mono-Color" for bubbles and circles in-between the solid obstacles, making the game quite a bit easier while still being more engaging than pure Mono-Color.

Please note that the custom key bindings for the Keyboard Control settings have been reset to their default value due to required changes. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Please join our Discord or the Discussions Forum to share your feedback about this new patch!


  • Added 2 new "LITE" variants of Input Methods in the Custom Difficulty menu for Medium and Intense type of input schemes. The "LITE" variants still use their regular inputs for solid obstacles (represented by a square ground indicator), but will always use "Mono-Color" for bubbles and circles in-between the solid obstacles, making the game quite a bit easier while still being more engaging than pure Mono-Color.
  • Added a tooltip panel to the Custom Difficulty menu and renamed some labels to improve clarity
  • Added an interface setting to disable the "auto-hide mouse cursor" functionality
  • Updated the internal Unity Input System to version 1.5 (from 1.3)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the "E" keyboard key not being able to be bound to an input (due to an Unity Input System bug with the old version)
  • The Settings menu now requires all keyboard keys to be bound to an action before leaving it
  • Fixed the Custom Difficulty's "Input Method" not always being saved correctly for the next game session
  • Trying to bind a keyboard key that was already assigned on another action will now unbind the previous one, as it was possible to bind multiple actions to one key
  • Updated the icon graphic for unbound inputs for better clarity
  • Fixed "Custom" difficulty control schemes not being displayed on the loading screen
  • Loading history…
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