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PEBI - Preview Emotes Badges Icons update for 21 February 2023

0.25 TimeAto 🍅

Share · View all patches · Build 10600877 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This Update brings a lot of quality of life improvements and fixes regarding error messages and the Wizard dialog.
There were a surprising amount of annoying bugs that made it into the "stable" release that will be fixed with this release.

PEBI is made to help you, the emote artists, with your art, work and workflow. If something is annoying, please report this to us[u][/u], so we can fix it. 

Also the default start location of PEBI's windows changed, it's experimental, so please report issues if you see some.

For a full list of changes and fixes, please read the change log below, but here are the most important things:

Default Sizes

BubbleBerry noted that in PEBI's main window default sizes were missing that are important for emote artists (28px, 56px).
I am not quite sure why they were missing. Maybe the window was too small or we just overlooked them, because "Advanced Preview" is fully customizable or we just forgot.
In any case, they are now added 💖.

Can finally save/load the last images and positions on each banner and got keyboard arrow-controls for layer positioning.

TimeAto 🍅

A tool requested by Jasmineitor to have a reminder to take regular breaks while working.
If people like it I will add more customization like a background image, font type, font color, font auto size.
It might be inspired by the The Pomodoro Technique TM but due to international copyright laws it's not The Pomodoro Technique TM.

Tile Generator

The Tile Sheet Generator got a big overhaul, to support the workflow of emote artists even better.

  • Live-Preview

  • Copy-To-Clipboard without saving

  • Color

    • swapping area colors for a checkerboard effect

    • Text Color

      • Auto
      • Choosable
    • Own Image on Tiles

      • ideal for Stream-Avatar assets, to have a basic "body" template to draw items and assets on


The Text 2 QR-Code has finally a choosable background color.

Change Log

And the change logs of course.

*  (tag: 0.25.0) 0.25.0  
​*  (tag: 0.24.14dev) Animator: fix some UI issues (37 minutes ago)  
​*  (tag: 0.24.13dev) Animator: dynamic size image #124 (46 minutes ago)  
​*  Time-Ato to TimeAto (16 hours ago)  
*  Tile Sheet Generator: Copy-To-Clipboard (8 seconds ago)    
*  tag: (0.24.12dev) TimeAto: min size (33 minutes ago)  
*  TimeAto: keep in foreground (33 minutes ago)  
*  adding TimeAto icon (44 minutes ago)  
*  icon maker: allow loading of images that are not directly used by pebi, allowing a mix of image sources (44 minutes ago)  
*  fixing stats (whoops), added more stats, more achievements, little refactoring #91 (2 hours ago)  
*  fix bug: when an error occurred during export, PEBI stopped reloading the image file (4 hours ago)  
*  (tag: 0.24.11dev) fixed "tile size does not match" error message appearing when cutter is not used (4 days ago)  
*  (tag: 0.24.10dev) Animator: dont preview unselected frames #45 (5 days ago)  
*  (tag: 0.24.9dev) added emote export stats (8 days ago)  
*  Main: add missing emote sizes 28, 56 #120 (8 days ago)  
*  more/new icons (8 days ago)  
*  Tile Generator: Image on tiles #117 (8 days ago)  
*  Tile Sheet Generator: text color auto/manual pick #105 Tile Sheet Generator: save/load settings (8 days ago)  
*  Tile Generator: preview #116, fix not checkerboard on even columns (8 days ago)  
*  Tiling Wizard: Simpler text #119 (9 days ago)  
*  TimeAto fix typo (13 days ago)  
*  (tag: 0.24.8dev) TimeAto fix messages swap (13 days ago)  
*  (tag: 0.24.7dev) TimeAto (13 days ago)  
*  QR-Code: fix background color tool tip (2 weeks ago)  
*  (tag: 0.24.6dev) fix saved color doesnt load bug in AdvancedPreview chat user name and everywhere where it was used (2 weeks ago)  
*  QR-Code: background color chooseable #113 (2 weeks ago)  
*  0.24.6dev (2 weeks ago)  
*  Tiling Wizard: settings fix #114 (2 weeks ago)  
*  Tiling Wizard: not reacting properly to "dont show" fix #114 (2 weeks ago)  
*  show store data in ProptertyGrid (2 weeks ago)  
*  (tag: 0.24.5dev) 0.24.5dev (3 weeks ago)  
*  Banner Maker: save load #112 (3 weeks ago)  
*  (tag: 0.24.4dev) 0.24.4dev (3 weeks ago)  
*  this.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen #111 (3 weeks ago)  
*  Banner Maker: Arrow key moving #110 (3 weeks ago)  
*  (tag: 0.24.3dev) fix banner maker scrollbar missing, change banner maker right click layer manipulator order (3 weeks ago)  
*  new quote + re-ordering (4 weeks ago)  
*  0.24.2dev (5 weeks ago)  
*  better warning messages / icons #101 (5 weeks ago)  
*  Exit button doesn't work #106 (5 weeks ago)  
*  optimize Error Message: "Sizes don't match" on export #101 (5 weeks ago)  
*  notes (6 weeks ago)  
*  (tag: 0.24.1dev) banner maker: clean up, QOL improvements (6 weeks ago)  
*  comments for future me (6 weeks ago)  
*  banner maker: fix image refresh WIP (6 weeks ago)  
*  banner maker: stop resetting ALL images after changing layer settings (6 weeks ago)  
*  Munsell Colorwheel wip (6 weeks ago)  

Does anyone even read these? ^^"

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