- Added a new difficulty level and added the build speed cap to the difficulty control.
- Fixed the bug that the boost might not take effect after replacing the accessories after temple filing.
3.Fixed the bug that the Ranger's health didn't lock when they explore the Relics.
4.Fixed the bug that the repair tools obtained from exploring the Relics could not be transported. -
- It no longer causes a job count error when farmland is destroyed by disaster.
- Fixed some display bugs on the temple custom interface.
- Fixed the bug that the piety obtained by Divine Authority could not be increased correctly after loading the file.
- Fixed the bug that the Chivalry House will not work properly when there are too many workers.
9.The new content has been added to the English translation proofreading, and now the English version has achieved 100% translation.
Thanks for your company and support, we have been optimizing and updating the game for a long time, and now the optimization of the game has stabilized, from the initial limit of 300 people to 2,000 and 3,000 people, the game's construction area has more than doubled, and a series of new gameplay and content have been added, such as the journey, the divine power reset, the Great World, and the cultivation of relegated gods. I hope you can play a lot, feedback optimization suggestions, next here will be published in the next version of the new content and gameplay.
New gameplay
The Heavenly Court system
We will add a new force, the Heaven will regularly release a variety of difficulty to you to complete the mission, get his reward, can get a lot of Heaven buildings and technology.
The Heavenly Court building will contain the Royal Horse Prison, allowing villagers to raise the heavenly horses as a new means of transportation, making your city even bigger.
The rule of law
As a god, in the new mode, he can use the power of law to govern his city. Law is the design that can change the whole game play, players can change the law between heaven and earth, can make the nature revitalized, trees on the map grow, animals accelerate reproduction, change the villagers' desires, marriage rules, and even change the death rules, so that the villagers no longer have the threat of death.
Make a tour of the immortal
The Heaven will send regular visits from the upper and lower worlds. They will visit your city and rate your layout and development, which will greatly affect your status in the Heaven. Please try to keep your villagers well fed and happy.
This is a big expansion update, we will update the content to the Beta version in the next two months, there are still a lot of content due to space issues, please stay tuned ~
Changed files in this update