- Fixed a random issue that OJ18 - The Ravages of Mohgra could fail without a reason
- Fixed random issues with Blisk enemies and Agent Oranchov showing wrong behavior when the Dislocator was used
- Fixed some stability issues where the combination of Saucer destruction on a city, followed by a player death thus restarting / reloading the last checkpoint would cause hangs or freezes
- Fixed a balancing issue when Quantum Deconstructor and Sonic Boom are used together, causing the Quantum Deconstructor to do less damage
- Fixed some saucer camera behavior especially for looking down causing judders
- Fixed some Furon handbook entries being not unlocked properly
- Fixed a music issue during ARK16 - The Coming of Arkvoodle
- Fixed an issue that was caused by the alert level modification player cheat persisting wrongly across reloads
- Fixed a random issue, Natalia getting stuck in the escort mission “SM15 - You Only Live 137 Times”
- Fixed a random issue, the Turret behavior in the mission “SM15 - You Only Live 137 Times”
- Fixed so the Ninja Bodyguard mutator is no longer visible in certain cutscenes during mission 9 – “The Majestic File”.
- Fixed a replay issue from the Holopox deck (mission 06 – “No Pox Please We're British”).
- Fixed that the subtitles do not follow the voice over during a cutscene in Oddjob 01 – “I Left My Parts In San Fran... Err, Bay City”.
- Fixed an audio issue encountered in the cutscene after completing Arkvoodle mission 16 – “The Coming of Arkvoodle”.
- Fixed so the Dislocator will not lose ammo under certain circumstances in Solaris.
- Fixed SFX issues in Takoshima
- Fixed a number of respawn issues in water
Stability issues:
- Fixed a rare crash in Takoshima when the alert level is raised
- Fixed a rare crash after an attack wave in mission 20 - "The Comrade Who Came From The Cold".
- Fixed a rare crash at the end of mission 2 - "Where Have All The Flower Children Gone?".
Community reported issues fixed:
- Fixed a rare crash whilst exiting the Jukebox
- Fixed that the Moghra egg in OddJob 18 – “The Ravages of Mohgra” is overly sensitive to disturbance.
- Fixed so the proximity detector is now functioning when discovering Furotech Cell or Artefacts in Takoshima.
- Fixed an issue after Photo Mode in Solaris, where Crypto's breathing bubble is active in Bodysnatch.
- Fixed the Jukebox, so every song is playing.
- Fixed audio issues during a cutscene after completing Arkvoodle mission 16 – “The Coming of Arkvoodle”.
- Fixed audio issues during a cutscene in mission 16 – “Kojira Kaiju Battle”.
- Fixed an audio issue during a cutscene in OddJob 01 – “I Left My Parts In San Fran... Err, Bay City
Changed files in this update