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A pirate quartermaster update for 21 February 2023

Update - 02/21/2023

Share · View all patches · Build 10599861 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone!

New feature: Steal gold

You can now steal a small amount of gold from the hold to cause a "theft" event in the next watch.
This can allow you to perform a marooning/death sentence on someone you don't like.
However, make sure that there is someone who looks like you (on all three identifying characteristics) or else it will impact the crew, no matter what the punishment choice is.
In case you want to sentence someone who has the same characteristics as you, then only your human conscience will be impacted... You will have brought down an innocent person by having tarnished his image forever... It's up to you...

  • Fixed a bug that did not activate the entry in the book of knowledge about injustices after having caused one during a punishment badly chosen

Have a nice day or evening.

Linux A pirate quartermaster - Linux Depot 1112582
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