- Changed Punch text to indicate it only inflicts broken on crit.
- Fixed an overflow animation crash
- Changed Death grip to indicate the next attack is a guaranteed crit.
- Death grip will now proc on-hit effects
- The crit guarantee from eagle eyes, eye drops, and death grip will now go away when a battle ends
- Fixed the wrong healing numbers showing during green overflow
- Fixed thorns animation
- Fixed full motivation and energy bar showing outside their container
- Animation speeds of skills have been normalized
- Static charge stun chance is no longer infinity (divide by zero error)
- Fixed an artifact description overlap when opening multiple backpacks
- Fixed lush terrain animation
- Fixed a map error on floor 19 of the ruins
- Mile stones now give trust (5*milestone size). They are now the best way to increase trust quickly.
- Reduced Blood Drain damage since it can be reliably procced with death grip
- Slightly reduced alraune end of turn heal from 10% max hp to 7% max hp.
- Energy drain per travel tick changed from 2 to 1 (reverted from artifact rework patch)
- Reduced the base damage of fists of fury from 10 to 5 now that gaining multiple stacks of frenzy is notably easier
- Increased Dragon passive strength and defense scaling (accuracy and dodge scaling untouched)
Changed files in this update