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Demise of Nations update for 12 September 2022

Update 1.34.226 - Improved Compression & Misc. Improvements

Share · View all patches · Build 9495937 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:05:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • Update Required: if you are running a version of the game older than half a year you will need to UPGRADE the game if you login to the server. Older versions cannot handle the new image compression algorithms. Please upgrade. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Compression Images: Image data is now better compressed. That includes everything from map images to avatars to awards etc. Reduces network I/O.
  • Compression for Maps: Map files are now better compressed reducing download size. Please update your map and upload an update so your map is smaller for others.
  • Official Maps: updated all the official maps with the latest compression (the file sizes are now smaller to download).
  • Balancing: fishing boats are slightly weaker. Update your map with the latest template.ZIP if you have published a legacy map and re-upload.
  • Multiplayer: invite option for friends to SOLO games is now gone (for obvious reasons).
  • UI: FPS or memory consumption display can now be turned ON/OFF anytime (without exiting the game).
  • Graphics System: changed to using the ANGLE wrapper for OpenGL starting with just Windows 10+ (instead of Windows 8+).
  • Keyboard: shortcuts 'M' and 'N' for chat removed as they interfere with other key bindings. Use ENTER (or ENTER+SHIFT) instead.
  • Manual: manual updated explaining that "Blackmail" is not acceptable behavior.
  • Manual: explained that multiplayer games can potentially be deleted by the moderators (e.g. ganging in non-gang games, farming of rating points etc.).
  • Manual: explained in more detail that circumventing the spam filter via modified binary might result in appropriate actions against a player.
  • API: added more details when the API for "play" and "game" gets queried.
  • API: functionality "ro-enrol" added to query users as to which "play" and "game they are enrolled in, including their status (e.g. if turn was entered).
  • API: manual updated with latest information how to access "ro-enrol" for plays and games.
  • Language: latest translations added - Thanks :-D
  • Language: renamed "Eye Candy" to "Level of Detail" (for clarity).
  • Maintenance: Mac OS X signing certificate updated (till 2027-02).
  • Maintenance: updated to Google Billing 5.0.0 (from 4.0.0).
  • Maintenance: updated Droid to version 13 (API 33).
  • Internal: internal mail notifier for server status updated to port 465.
  • Bugfix: the team tournaments (e.g. clan championship) did shuffle the players after the 1. round by mistake.
  • Bugfix: tutorials updated so they render correctly.
  • Bugfix: tooltips in menu screens also show when scroll panel is activated.
  • Bugfix: election result for "recognition" (victory) would display the numbers wrong if some of the factions that voted were eliminated. There doesn't seem a bug in who won or not, i.e. just a display issue.
  • Bugfix: asking to join a war against an eliminated faction would result in a declaration of war against the already eliminated faction.
  • Bugfix: custom keyboard mappings weren't properly saved resetting them when the game was restarted.
  • Bugfix: map does not continue scrolling when the game window is out of focus.
  • Bugfix Crashes: making sure UI doesn't crash when elements are layout while they are removed at the same time (Advanced Tutorial).
  • Bugfix Crashes: when snowy picture was null in town view.
  • Bugfix Crashes: when trying to centering the map but no valid player was given, i.e. 'null'.
Windows 64-bit Demise of Nations Depot WIN64 Depot 338812
  • Loading history…
macOS 64-bit Demise of Nations Depot MAC64 Depot 338813
  • Loading history…
Linux 64-bit Demise of Nations Depot LIN64 Depot 338815
  • Loading history…
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