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Deadside update for 6 September 2022

WIP: Military Flask and Water Collector

Share · View all patches · Build 9461872 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hello, Deadsiders!

In the previous post about the development process, we shared with you some details about changes to the weapon balance. In Deadside, your effectiveness in combat depends not only on your marksman skills and weapon condition, but also on your character's metabolic state, hunger and dehydration.The introduction of Update 0.4.0 will also bring changes to the balance of available provisions, sources and methods of obtaining it.

The most attentive of you have already noticed the military flask in the character's inventory on the previously published GIF.

This essential field item is closely related to the new module: the collector is a constant source of fresh water, you can install it on your base. The new craft item required to create a collector, along with wood and metal, is polyethylene.


Traders' stocks are dwindling, but survival has never been limited with a short hike to the store. More information about new ways of getting food in our next posts. Stay tuned.

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