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MAJOR Spectral Showdown update for 4 September 2022

v1.1.2 - Bug Fixes & QoL features!

Share · View all patches · Build 9449888 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 14:37:45 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Everyone!

Today I'm bringing you all a huge new update that should fix a lot of issues with Spectral Showdown!

Before I get into the changelog, I just want to apologise for how long this took and how broken the game was on release. This is not a common theme of mine and I tend to release updates pretty quickly. Spectral Showdown is a multiplayer game so it is significantly harder to test, reproduce issues and make sure it's all working. I am working on making sure I can make the process easier and faster so please do bare with me for a few updates!

There has been a HUGE redo of some features to crack down on bugs, resulting in a lot of bugs cracked down and a bit of a performance increase. There have also been a few networking optimisations added to try and make multiplayer feel smoother and some QoL features to make the settings and the match settings feel a lot more customisable.

Anyways, let's get to the change log!

Change Log

  • Sound sliders are now 1-100 rather than 1-10.
  • Game multipliers are now siders rather than combo boxes, allowing better match customisation.
  • Increased Damage Multiplier Max to 2.
  • Increased Health Multiplier Max to 2.
  • Minimum Stamina Multiplier is now 1.
  • Health decreasing and Stamina increasing no longer starts a second later than it should.
  • You can no longer clip through the inside of the greenhouse.
  • Chicken no longer reacts to traps differently (was taking damage incorrectly)
  • Sheep animation no longer goes on for .5 seconds longer than it should.
  • You can no longer start a match with one player.
  • Matchmaking will now recognise the match when back in the lobby.
  • Same-keyboard multiplayer is no longer bugged.
  • The quit button in an online game now works.
  • Waiting for players will no longer be an infinite wait. It will only occur for a max of 60 seconds. Everyone is sent back to the lobby if the game fails to load at least 2 players in.
  • Creature attack particles no longer occur when knocked down mid-attack.
  • Can no longer start moving whilst knocked down if you were mid-attack.
  • Clouds no longer have a green tint in the lobby.
  • Creatures no longer think they’re attacking when possessed during their attack.
  • Damage Multiplier is corrected in offline play.
  • Possessing will no longer sometimes leave you in a “spectating” state.
  • Multiplayer now uses stamina for possessing.
  • In online, the fox now hunts chickens (like offline).
  • Client buttons in the lobby no longer have incorrect text formatting.
  • Added a server browser.
  • Added text next to sound sliders to show what volume you are currently on.
  • Added Improvements to Attacking.
  • Added a very slight performance boost.
  • Added a Minimap Toggle in Match Settings.
  • Mouse buttons are now allowed on the “press any key to start”.
  • Added Multiplayer Optimisations.
  • Temporarily removed the stamina bar animation (when you don't have enough stamina).
  • Temporarily removed ability cooldown (this was a short cooldown after your attack).

I really do hope this update fixes A LOT of issues that everyone has been having and I hope that the game seems more fun now with these issues fixed!

There will be updates coming soon with balance, this was just a well-needed update.

Before I finish up, I also want to say Thank you SO MUCH for 3k players! That's absolutely amazing and I can't thank you all enough!

Anyways, I hope this update solves a lot of issues and I'll see you all soon!

Windows 64-bit Depot 1985661
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