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Immortal Life update for 31 August 2022

Sunset Inn Messageboard Vol.7

Share · View all patches · Build 9423771 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hello there, dear brothers and sisters:

We can’t believe that Summer is almost over. It seems like only yesterday we were telling you about how much we love zongzi and cold noodle soup, the rainy season, the humid heat in China, and all the new things that would come to Immortal Life with this season. Fortunately, we can gladly say that we are satisfied with all the work done in these months and the direction the project is taking, partly thanks to how much you are helping us with your feedback.

But this is not just a “thank you” note — you came here looking for fresh information about the content planned for late August, and some other changes we said we’d work on… and that’s what you guys will get! Let’s get down to business:

Upcoming contents for Alpha Version:

  • Battle System Redesign: As we’ve detailed a few times before, changing the whole battle system will take a long time since all these modifications are not limited to animations and sound effects, but also the way the enemies behave and where they usually hide in each map. In this Alpha update, we are optimizing the normal attack, giving it a new look, and the spell system.
  • New Main Quest Added: We're giving the game storyline the push forward you were expecting. The new events related to the main quest will be detailed in our future updates.
  • Become a friend of Brother Xie: As if by miracle, Brother Xie has been able to get up from the bed. He will feel very proud of the efforts you all made to start from scratch and rebuild the Guiyun Sect headquarters. You'll definitely become stronger together with his help and guidance!

  • Personal Story of Chen: Have you ever wanted to ask Brother Chen why’s he fishing all the time? He has his own business to be concerned about and very interesting stories to share with you, so why not spend some time with him?

  • New Map - East Side of Guiyun Sect: East Side of Guiyun Sect is now open for you in this upcoming Alpha update, the rebuilding work would open to you in the future update.
  • Map redesign for Mine and Yuhua Mystery Realm: For a better gaming experience under our newly-designed battle system, we’ll update the Mine and Yuhua Mystery Realm. The amount of work to do is huge and we’re going to need some extra time for optimizing the Mine. At the same time, if you have any feedback for us, don’t forget to join our discussion on our Discord Server!

  • Monster AI redesign: For a better gaming experience under our new battle system, we also do some work on your enemies’ AI.

As usual, we plan to push all these changes into the Official version once the major bugs are fixed and our test job is done.

❊Translation in development. The English and Japanese versions of certain missions and elements of the game will be added before the content is available in the main version of the game.

Developing plan for September:

  • New Main Quests: After the awakening of Brother Xie, it’s about time to work on a further rebuilding of the Guiyun Sect — a new stage of the journey is about to begin!
  • New System - Spell Training System: Brother Xie isn’t satisfied with your current way of casting spells, so he decided to train you in gratitude for what you have done for your brothers and sisters.
  • New Sect Facility - Training Ground: Here’s where you’ll train your spell casting skills with brother Xie!
  • New Sect Facility – Sect Apartment: There will be a new lounge area for Brother Xie and Yang, so they can leave the Sunset Inn and have their own room now.
  • New Mystery Realm – Flower valley: Same as we did in Yuhua Mystery Realm, in Flower Valley Mystery Realm you will discover new monsters, collectible items, quests, fishing spots, and new recipes! Of course, you would need to unlock this new map by completing certain quests.
  • Personal Story of Ji Yaohua: How could Ji achieve such great success with her business in the Qiongzhen Pavilion? Now she may teach you her best-kept secrets if you spend time with her and become close friends.
  • Personal Story of Yang Ziqin: When that unfortunate disaster destroyed everything you had, it was Yang Qizin who led you all to rebuild the sect. Maybe it’s about time to find out his own story.
  • New Facility – Ji’s Mansion: A new fancy house for Ji and Li.
  • Map Redesign for Mine: We’re now at 60% of the Mine redesign and thinking about how we should push this redesign forward. Your feedback would be very appreciated!

As always, we’re open to listening to your thoughts on any update listed here, so don’t be shy and share your opinion here so we can start a cool discussion in the comments section. Your ideas are likely to appear in upcoming updates. Also, remember that your bug reports will help us build a cleaner, better game for everyone.

Thank you for believing in Immortal Life, see you in the next entry!

YiFang Studios & 2P Games

Changed depots in test branch

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Windows 64-bit 一方灵田 Depot 1201231
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