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Wobbledogs update for 29 August 2022

Patch v1.02.02

Share · View all patches · Build 9411046 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, hello! I wanted to address a few bug reports that came in since friday, as well as one or two things I noticed myself. Your bug reports help me a ton so thank you everyone for being diligent!

Bug Fixes:

  • Toys no longer duplicate when falling out of bounds.
  • Dogs will no longer open their eyes in photo mode if they've been closed because you've been petting them.
  • Dog particles will now correctly restore visibility upon exiting photo mode with their toggle set to the off state.
  • The game was incorrectly detecting the location during breeding mode in some instances, mistakenly allowing you to delete breeding dogs. This may have broken before the last major update, but I just noticed it now. I believe it was the result of a race condition that I got lucky with when first implementing the check.

Additionally, I wanted to sign off this little patch with a dog for everyone to import if they want to! This little guy has 2 pairs of back legs, so feel free to introduce them to your gene pool if that's something that the previous update messed up for you. If you'd like a pup with even more legs than this, I'm sure there are plenty of folks in the forums or the game's discord who'd be more than happy to help!

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Have a great week everyone!


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macOS 64-bitEnglish Wobbledogs Content MacOS Depot 1424333
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