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Alight in the Dark Playtest update for 26 August 2022

Patch 0.0.35a - 26th of August 2022

Share · View all patches · Build 9395218 · Last edited 26 August 2022 – 15:09:25 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Change Log


It's currently unknown if this version is beatable or not, or if the enemies are still too weak.
This version brings a huge multiplier bonus specially to the final bosses near end-game at 30:00 as well as enemies encountered along the way.


Bosses now have heallth bars
Added lifesteal pool visualizer
Added health regeneration visualizer

AcidBlobs from UnholyWater should no longer randomly linger
Stats now support 5 decimals

Throwing Knives now has twice as much delay between each thrown knife (0.1 sec total per)
Throwing Knives spawn offset reduced from 0.1m -> to 0.05m radius to reduce randomization
Throwing Knives base cooldown increased from 1s -> 2s
Throwing Knives base damage reduced from 8 -> 6
Added 2x2 base damage to Throwing Knives upgrades
Removed 2x+1 projectile upgrade from Throwing Knives

Reduced all base character benefits from 20% -> 15%

Stat summaries now show percentage stats as percentages
Stat summaries now no longer shows the word "Multiplier" for percentage stats
Life Steal is now also shown as percentage

Stat Summary now utilize full screen height
Stat summary is now only visible during pause mode

Dagger Storm can now deal damage to enemies it touches twice as fast (0.025 sec delays)

Prey no longer affects enemy speed
Prey no longer affects spawn amount/frequency
Player level no longer affects enemy speed
Enemies now scale by Type and BossType

Large Amount of Upgrade Changes

Most equipment now requires 10 or more upgrades before they're maxed out
All abilities require 15 upgrades before they're maxed out


Fixed an issue where Light of Lithriel would provide 500% magic damage multiplier instead of 50%
Fixed an issue where Bracer of Duplication would give +9 projectiles per upgrade

Heuberk of the leviathan now has less total armor upgrades and instead provides max life multiplier up to 110% and has 15 total upgrades

Breast Plate of Achilles now offers 50% max life multiplier in addition to life steal and has 15 total upgrades

Breast Plate of Freyja now offers 45% max life multiplier in addition to health regen and has 15 total upgrades

Bracer of Haste now provides 25% projectile speed multiplier in addition to 20% cooldown reduction and has 15 upgrades

Sight of the Elderkin now offers 30% total experience multiplier and has 15 upgrades

Bracer of Duplication now also provides 20% damage multiplier as well as 4 base damage and has 15 upgrades

Ring of Magnetism now also provides 10% magic damage multiplier
Ring of Power now also provides 10% damage multiplier

Caster's Pendant now has a total of 10 upgrades

Loupe of Magnificence now has a total of 10 upgrades

Light of Lithriel now has a total of 10 upgrades

Cleric's Signet now has a total of 10 upgrades

Sandals of Hermes now has a total of 10 upgrades

Greaves of Pyphoreus now has a total of 10 upgrades and its max fire damage multiplier has been reduced from 80% -> 50%

Shoes of Suitaeon now has a total of 10 upgrades and its max water spell area and duration multiplier has been reduced from 25% -> 20%

Leather Chaps of The True God now has a total of 10 upgrades and is spread out more evenly

Magister's Loop now has a total of 10 upgrades

Void Walker's Gift now has a total of 10 upgrades

Shard of the True God now has a total of 10 upgrades

Vambrace of Apollo now has a total of 10 upgrades

Band of Artemis now has a total of 10 upgrades


Evenly spread out all abilities to require 15 upgrades for maxing

Evenly spread out throwing knife upgrades with some nerfs to cooldown and projectile amount

Evenly spread out dagger storm upgrades, area now has half as much effect on distance from player to daggers

Evenly spread out icicles upgrades

Evenly spread out firebolts upgrades

Evenly spread out sweeping scimitar upgrades

Evenly spread out sparks upgrades, slightly increased max base area

Evenly spread out unholy water

Evenly spread out life drain

Evenly spread out banish, also added one more instakill

Windows 64-bitEnglish Depot 2083771
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