I'm back from a summer break and have started some good work as you can see in this patch.
Most notable changes are:
Grenades visible on gostek belt
Useful for spotting if an enemy still has grenades left.
New maps
ctf_Division remade by Haste
dm_Emblem by Jok
Weapon modifier changes
The gist of changes are described here
Other than that Minigun will overheat and some guns have penetration (with loss of velocity).
Modding additions
Separate head/torso/legs damage modifiers
Separate bullet flag push force
Deadly polygon
(this is the first of a series of additions to make climbing mode possible!)
(Haste has already started working on a map)
[26.08.2022] 0.8.46a
added hitmark when touched deadly polygon
fixed gameplay settings not applied to reloaded modifiers
minigun cools down when reloading
fixed multiple hits sometimes when bullet penetrates
[25.08.2022] 0.8.45a
Barret bullet loses velocity after penetration
Rheinmetall and Minigun bullets penetrate
added Minigun overheating
Minigun has more ammo and damage
added Weapon hitbox damage modifiers
added Weapon:BulletFlagForce separate from BulletForce
added Weapon:Penetration value between 0 and 1 affecting bullet velocity after hit
[24.08.2022] 0.8.44a
added ctf_Division, dm_emblem
added Deadly polygon type
added carried grenade on gostek belt
added HeadbuttsOnly modifer
grenade self boost direction tied to mouse aim
fixed RPG not killing in one shot
weapon modifier changes (https://pastebin.com/dzMd4nGj)
all modifiers reload when returning to game window
F2 toggles different debug views
ranked: sorting based on lowerSkillEstimate instead of mu
More stuff coming,
Have fun!
Changed files in this update