Hey! Would you like to help improve Yakyosho?
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To improve the experience, we have made
many important changes, added and
removed mechanics, and improved the visual part
and graphics of the game, update and give it a
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process, test beta games, help
with ideas or changes and help us improve.
-Mechanical stone lamps.
-Crystal mechanics.
-Keys now take longer to appear.
-The red lamps no longer turn off by themselves.
-Part of the interface was changed.
-Sounds changed.
-Changes in the enemy model.
-Changes in walking speed.
-Removing Skeletons, hanging heads
and Shadows.
-Final comic bug.
-Locker could not be used.
-Notice panel was always loaded.
-Fixes in some buttons and measurements.
-Mechanical fixes.
-Fixes in the shader.
-Fixes in VFX stamp trap.
- Map was separated from the guide.
-Optimized post processing.
New content:
- Added extra decoration.
-Added "library" puzzle.
-Added "gut" puzzle.
-Added "spider web" puzzle.
-Added "portal".
-Added 4 crystals.
-Added new creature "Ushi-Oni".
-Added new creature "Tanuki".
-Added new comic.
-New map button.
-New medical area.
-New road area.
-New vigilant area.
-New decoration of classrooms.
-SSAO was added.
Changed files in this update