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Ghost Exorcism INC update for 24 August 2022

[Public Test] Major update "Ghost Exorcism INC 2.0" - 08/24/2022

Share · View all patches · Build 9380246 · Last edited 24 August 2022 – 17:09:17 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hello Exorcists!

We thank you for your patience over the past few months! Here are the some of the big changes in complete overhaul of Ghost Exorcism INC.
Don't forget, we have more planned for Halloween! ^^

To join the public test: Right-click on Ghost Exorcism INC. in Steam -> Properties -> Betas -> Then make sure you have the Public Test Build version selected in the list, then allow the game to update.


During the public beta testing, multiplayer lobbies will be restricted to 2 players! This is only temporary during the testing phase, as we are still optimizing the multiplayer network for 6 players!


Localization & Voice

  • Most of the language in the game has been re-written. This means that for now, the game will be available in English and in French. We plan to add more languages soon! You can help us translate the game by visiting our Google Sheets link, and following the instructions: our translations page (google document)

Core Changes/Additions to Gameplay Mechanics

  • The Crucifix and the Mary statue no longer completely stop entities in their tracks. They will instead be heavily slowed when near these pieces of equipment. The Mary Statue still only works while it is on the ground, and the Crucifix can still work from both the ground, and while held.
  • Speaking to the entity to gather evidence such as Book Writing/Book Drawing, Spirit-Box, Voice-On-Site, and reciting the Exorcism Book must all be done while standing in the Orbs of the Dread Origin, or while very close to the entity.
  • Entity attacks now function differently. Previously, entities would attack you- and if they got close enough, they would cause a "wavy screen" effect until it eventually killed you. With the new update, an entities attack is signified by a "horror drone" sound effect. The entity will chase you, and when it catches you, it will immediately cause an injury to you, or worse.
  • Players can now be harmed via injuries, or via heart attacks. If a player is harmed by a heart attack, they will notice a flash of grey on their screen before they fall over unconscious.

Core Changes/Additions to Systems

  • There is now a multiplayer lobby list system (in addition to the previous code-based system). Players can now select a regional server, and look for public lobbies in that region.
  • The in-game Bug Report app, as well as the Suggestions are now fully implemented. Players are welcome to submit bug reports or suggestions from in-game, with very little effort. The Bug Report app is in the tablet homepage, and the Suggestions can be found in the Game Info app.
  • There is now a spawn-limit for equipment. Players can see how many pieces of equipment are currently spawned VS how many are allowed to be spawned by simply looking at the computer in the vehicle, and selecting a piece of equipment. This spawn limit is NOT for balancing purposes, but instead, is for security purposes for public lobbies.
  • There are now player-statistics! The statistics are available in the Statistics app, or can be seen on the main board in the Hub, before selecting a contract.

Other Additions

  • Dolls :)

Ghost AI, Behavior and Appearance

  • New entity type: Memory. A mostly harmless entity that can be tricky to spot and track.
  • The Shadow entity has been overhauled. Shadows are now literally just that... a shadow! They are invisible to players and cameras, unless exposed to direct light (or flashlight). They are an entirely invisible entity, but when illuminated, still casts a shadow.
  • One of the previous "Fallen" models are now used as a Demon model. This was done to make room for more entity models in the future.
  • A large amount of new entity interactions have been added. TV interactions, new light interactions, new floating object interactions (and more).
  • There are now more interactions an entity can have on a player. Some of these interactions include "Push" and "Disarm".

User Interface

  • In multiplayer, players can now adjust the volume of their teammates microphones in the "My Team" tab.
  • Players who are the Host of a lobby can kick other players out of the lobby.
  • There is an all-new Encyclopedia app, which contains extremely useful information for players. If you want to learn how to identify an entity, or want more specific details about equipment, this is the app for you!
  • Maps are now purchaseable from inside of the Encyclopedia app.


  • New Equipment: Revival Kits (that can be used on downed teammates to revive them). Players who are playing multiplayer can be revived a maximum of 1 time per contract. No more than 3 total Revival Kits can be used in any given contract.
  • New Equipment: Refreshing Beverage. The Refreshing Beverage can be consumed to heal injuries, or lower the players heart rate.
  • The Salt Shotgun is now the Modified Shotgun - it can now fire both Tiger Eye projectiles, as well as Salt projectiles.
  • The Neutrino-Gun now has a camera mounted on the top of it. This can be used to see invisible objects/entities like any other camera.
  • The Photo Camera can now detect, and display (in text) what it is looking at (entities, surface writing, totems, book drawing, etc)
  • Both video cameras have been given upgrades in the form of information in the vehicle. If an entity is spotted by a camera (from the CCTV monitor in the vehicle), exorcism information will be displayed on the board next to the monitor.
  • The Occult Meter now has a "Area" and "Multiple Signals" light. When the "Area" light is ON, this means that the cursed object (or Totem) is in the same room. When the "Multiple Signals" light is ON, this means that there are multiple cursed objects detected.
  • Holy Water, Tiger Eye, and Salt capsules, if broken on the ground, will function as a permanent trap in that location (until they are stepped on by an entity). When the Tiger Eye or Salt trap is stepped on, it will turned dark grey. When the Holy Water is stepped on, the "wet floor" effect will vanish.

Gameplay & Balance

  • We've added a full interactive tutorial mission/location! While playing solo, from the Hub you can begin the tutorial at any time.
  • The "Bamboo Temple" map in Japan has been completely rework, in order to better reflect the vision of a traditional Japanese temple.

Graphics & Performance

  • Many adjustments were made to improve performance on most machines.
  • We have completely overhauled the lighting, shadows, and rendering on all maps.
  • We have added new graphics options (such as Depth of Field).
  • We've added a Windowed Mode option, and a Borderless Fullscreen option.
  • We now have a proper VSync option available in the game.


"The Important Ones"

  • The "broken hands" bug should be entirely fixed.
  • Broken doors (kickflipping doors) should be entirely fixed.
  • Multiplayer desync should be resolved, as we've changed to an entirely new multiplayer network system.

Other Resolved Bugs

  • We've re-coded the entire game from the ground-up. Along this 5+ month process, we've found and fixed nearly 1,000 bugs. There are simply too many to note here.
  • Please note, since this has been re-coded, we still expect bugs to be found and reported. The game is going through a beta phase for exactly this reason. Please do not hesitate to report bugs you find using the in-game Bug Report app.


Because the file structure has completely changed, we strongly suggest users completely re-install their game using the instructions below. If you have played in the last 8 months, this re-installation will not destroy your save file, however, if the last time you have played was longer than 8 months ago, there is a high risk that your save file will be reset by reinstalling the game.

  • Uninstall the game from Steam.
  • Delete the "Ghost Exorcism Inc" folder from: Steam\steamapps\common
  • If there is a "Ghost Hunters Corp" folder instead, delete that.
  • Open Steam > Settings > Downloads > Clear Download Cache.
  • Re-install the game.

Finally, be aware that sales will take place in a few weeks to celebrate the release of the redesign in public release, stay tuned !

Changed depots in devgex2release branch

View more data in app history for build 9380246
Windows Ghost Hunters Corp Content Depot 1618541
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