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MAJOR Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory update for 23 August 2022

Fallen Legion Celebrates Its Fifth Anniversary

Share · View all patches · Build 9371770 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:17:39 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Fallen Legion turned five this year and to celebrate we updated our lighting fast action RPG with even more content. The latest version of the game adds Aleister and Jacquine, two new Exemplars from Fallen Legion Revenants, as playable characters. You’ll also see new hand drawn illustrations for both Princess Cecille and the Legate’s stories.

We heard from PC players that they would like to have keyboard mapping and we added it in along with support for more controllers plus gamepad remapping. Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory also supports Twitch interactivity and you can let Twitch chat decide the fate of Fenumia. When Twitch Interactivity is enabled, your viewers can type these commands in Twitch chat:

!Pick red – chooses the red decision and buff
!Pick blue – chooses the blue decision and buff
!Pick green – chooses the green decision and buff

The game will select a final story choice from the player’s choice and all of Twitch chat’s choices and the story continues from there.

This build was a major update for Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory based on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox versions of the game. We included the Fallen Legion+, the original PC release, and the previous version of Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory as separate, unaltered games in the same directory. If you have saved data from an earlier release, you can load it and continue your game.

fallenlegion.exe – runs Fallen Legion+
fallenlegion-rtg.exe – runs the previous version of Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory

Working on the Fallen Legion series has been an incredible journey. Thank you for all of the support, perfect blocks, and high combos!

Fallen Legion+ Depot Depot 612821
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