With the recent surge of new players, we were noticing that a lot of players were dying to the AI threats a bit to quickly. This could lead to a poor first experience and we went ahead and thought of a solution.
Difficulty Mode - Vote To Pick Level
Players now in lobby can vote and pick the difficulty level they would like to experience. There is now two different modes.
- Removes "Bag Head"
- Removes "The Butcher"
- "Shadow People" spawn delayed(2x)
- Only Half XP earned per match
- All threats active
- Normal XP earned
With this change, new players should have a much more welcoming time with out getting killed by the AI threats too quickly.
Paranormal Zones Update
Paranormal Zones no longer de-spawn faster if there are more then two players in the zone.
EVP Recorder Update
- The EVP record now only requires about a 1 second time of input, so you can ask 'Where are you' and etc to start the listing process.
- Other player voices no longer interrupt the listing process.
Hope you guys enjoy this update - also feel free to join the Steam Discussions to share any suggestions or report bugs.
Changed files in this update