Hello, We're CODELIFE Studio.
**Everyone needs to get an update to enjoy multi-play with this version.
If you want to get an update right away, you can restart the steam after the game is over.**
Today's update history.
# What has been modified in this update
- The NPC location has been modified to be displayed on the map.
- 'The Nameless Tower' position was displayed until the map was activated.
- If you mouse over the map icon, the name of which NPC is printed.
- Except for some hidden NPCs, even moving NPCs are displayed.
- Added guidance on durability systems.
- For the first time, we added a message to inform you when the durability of the weapon falls below 50%.
- Added warning guidance for field bosses.
- We added a message to inform you when you first feel the vibration of a boss monster.
- Added [Field Boss] tag to field boss quest.
- Improved fishing visibility.
- The size of the bait has increased.
- We added the red exclamation mark to be printed as soon as the bait go down into the water.
- Modified to attack the scarecrow with magic.
- Debuff does not apply.
If you revive a user who dropped out of the dungeon, the dead user revive from the location of the user who used the Resurrection skill.
The speed of boars and deers has decreased slightly.
Modified to defend against wild boar and deer attacks.
We added the text of Magic Immunity when attacking boars and deers with magic.
The terrain near the Forest Guardian in the Eastern Valley has been modified.
Fixed bugs
- Fixed an issue where game settings were not saved.
- Fixed an issue where the door of Dane Castle could pass without being fully opened.
- Fixed an issue where the Blink skill could not cross the AoE skill and the dungeon trap.
- Fixed an issue where the magic line hit the AoE skill and dungeon trap.
- Fixed an issue where a skeleton attack event occurred in a strange location.
Changed files in this update