Changelog v0.4.1 - August 18, 2022
- Restriction of “Crimson Ritual” to a maximum of 2 copies per deck, and restriction of “Ignition” to 1 copy per deck. (These restricted list will be valid until new expansions add some more possibilities to counter these two cards during the first turns of a game)
- Improvement of the first deck selection: it is now possible to visualize the content of a deck before choosing
Bugfix :
- When the opponent connection is lost, some automatic effects of the beginning of turns could not resolve and it would lock the game: the problem has been resolved. Many bugs should be fixed by this change.
- During the tutorial, in some cases, “end turn” could lock the game: it’s no longer the case
- Two rare softlocks have been resolved
- Menu: a display problem showed a different screen that the one selected in the menu, it’s now fixed
- The avatar selection button label has been changed
Known issues :
- No change for this time, see previous changelogs
Changed files in this update