Greetings Crimson Community,
Haven't made an announcement dedicated to a smaller update in a long time, but this one is so chock full of good stuff that it deserves the recognition.
First off: Thanks so much for the incoming feedback! One of the reasons we managed to get so much done was the amazing amount of reports and feedback over the last week since the 29th update went live. You all ROCK! We got one more smaller update planned and estimated to go live next week. So please keep the feedback, gameplays and impressions coming!
Now on to what's new:
-Large update to the Self Defence 101 map. You can now summon some crash test dummies (aggro and non aggro version) to practice the basic combat skills before heading out to earn the moniker of the Crimson Reaper. And downstairs a few examples to test out enviro kills. More stuff will be added here in time.
-Dynamic input hints added for the initial maps fo the game. Not using pills/dying too often most likely means not using the medication, superkick and/or throws accordingly so a friednly reminder will pop up once a death threshold has been reached. We see a lot of new players struggling with the game mechanics and not using them to the full potential. we hope this and the updated 101 SD minigame will help out with that as well.
-Besides a plethora of map updates this one deserves a special mention: It's Personal 1st stage got a significant update. Texture reworks, new destructibles, reworked lighting, props and details, polish, updated difficulties and quite a bit more. Thanks to Sinth for pointing out the need to give this map a breath of fresh air!
-Updated the weapon throw system: a much needed update. The system has been reworked and now the annoyance of chucked weapons getting stuck midair or on corners should be much, much less prevalent.
-fixed sabotage club missing dancers and enemies for nightmare (thanks: Sinth)
-added Glwiwice final level WIP with lantan dynamic tune base
-101 SD acitvated test area with dedicated events and text popups depedning on enemy spawned (Aggro or non aggro)
-updated filler up intro events: added intro brain chat event and better vibility of superkickable gate with tutorial input superkick hints on close proximity
-added enemy killcount gate for first section to avoid softlock in grounded (Thanks: Donkeyman)
-fixed AI for hard and nightmare in providence first section (Thanks: Sinth)
-added exit event arrow highlights for better exit lev navigation to pre emptive strike and passing through (Thanks: Donkeyman)
-ashton avenue fixed exit on game completed and blocked of start area unused area (thanks: Gamb)
-101 SD updated call aggro events for testing combat (fixed input highlights, improved lighting, etc)
-fixed level chronological order in PC leaderboards (Thanks: Gamb)
-thuglife 2 and 3, ethnic 2 staircase, trauma 1st stage, ROTK 2nd stage, package final nightmare and hard enemy updates (thanks:Sinth)
-white kc eye emmision added
-added topdog 1st stage and I'll be back final hard and nightmare enemy variations and updates (thanks: Sinth), updated navmesh for destructibles
-Fugitve boss larger event udpate for hard and nightmare (snipers and battle chopper)
-its personal destructible glass wall panel added (thanks:Sinth) and light for final bozo ambush roof to cast shadow around corner
-added memento route endgame lederboard pc (thanks: Gamb)
-apartment console arrow highlight added (logic disable interact WIP) (Thanks: Donkeyman)
-Disable PLAY in level select and make level name semi transparent.
-cardboard box and crate destruction update for new throw collision system (weapons wont get stuck on these destructibles any more)
-genesis final destruction no throw collision fix
- rising high 1st stage fix incorrect destruct spawn for boxes
-sd 101 updated lower enviro kill area WIP (added superkick info input hint, enemy spawn events, enviro superkickable objects and grinder example, mood lighting etc)
-added doublesided shadowcast to bonzo variation (used ie its personal rooftop)
-its personal added multiple new details, updated lighting, textures and materials
-updated 101 SD with bariers, updated lighting events, added details for enviro kill area, updated superkick info popup and hide toggle, mutliple smaller tweaks and adjustments etc
-updated walk speed var anim for bas thug enemies , slow -> run threshold 3.5->2.5, run sprint7->5 full sprint 9->8
-crash test dummy added for SD 101
-canal boss sniper added sublte delays and empty mags on start to certain snipers for higher difficulties
-its personal large detail update plus miniboss for nightmare events,destrucble panels with depth, new grafitti etc
-updated credits with Mrcin Benesz and tracks
-fixed hole floor ashton ave (thanks: Sinth)
-subtle tweak to full sprint enemy threshold 8->8.5
-idle anim speed enemy cut by half (was too fast)
-updated changelog
-updated lock tip string (obsolete) to current adrenaline activation/use for SD 101
-SD 101 mutliple smaller tweaks and polish, new text mesh material to avoid build overlay bug (needs testing in build)
-added display condition logic for fillerup superkick hint
-added pill dispenser to 101 SD
So that's it for this one. We will see you next week!
The Downfall Team,
Mike, Dawid
-added surface step to alternate floor 101 SD
Changed files in this update