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Motor Town: Behind The Wheel update for 7 August 2022

0.6.8 Patch Note

Share · View all patches · Build 9268555 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

<Edit>0.6.8 Build 312 Hotfix (Aug 8)
[Vehicle] Liliput's fuel tank size is reduced (Thanks to NexusGI)
[Vehicle] Trailer hitch had bad pivot, especially with Mammoth (Thanks to ALTOIDS and Jesuro K'nakon Asuka)
[Vehicle] Spawning a vehicle while holding a cargo made cargo disappear (Thanks to SVDak)

New Vehicle

Mammoth, a Luxury SUV is added to the Dealership near Seo-Gui-Po downtown

  • It has V12 400HP Engine.

Liliput, a 11-Seats mini bus is add

  • You can open the door and walk into the passenger space
Pizza delivery is added at the East of Seo-Gui-Po

You can deliver pizza now! Just like Burgers.
You can stack pizza in the cargo space!

Steam Achievement

Own vehicle count and Odometer achievements are added, more will be added in future updates!

Bus Improvement
  • Owner profit share is now applied to the Bus
  • On-Time Bonus is added
  • You start with a pre-made time schedule
  • If you arrive at the exact time, you get the bonus
  • If you missed the time, the schedule gets changed a little bit toward your new time
  • This means if you keep driving at the same pace, you keep receiving the bonus
  • Comfort Bonus is added

Both CPU, GPU, and Network loads are optimized.
This means there could be some strange bugs!

Throwing/Rotating Cargo (Thanks to Reddington, Mr Vault, and NorthHopper)

You can now throw cargo by holding the 'interaction2' key(Default 'Z') and release
You can now rotate cargo by pressing the right mouse button and dragging (Right Trigger + Right Stick) while holding on hands

A little step towards Player Company

You can now set the Profit share rate for each vehicle at the Control Panel -> Company
You can also change who can drive (Everyone/Party Only/Owner Only)
And you can change the required driver level, letting new players drive high-level vehicles!
Vehicle locking and stealing are removed temporarily

New Hotkey

Toggle Auto-Shift hotkey is added (Default Alt+A. Thanks to Tomas)


[AI] AI vehicle's turning speed at the crossroad is improved (Thanks to 8Sh1t)
[Tire] Offroad tire's traction is improved
[Truck] Parking space is added to harbor warehouse (Thanks to 8Sh1t)
[Scooty] Scooty now doesn't fall over while standing still, even if the parking brake is not on
[Scooty] Scooty's CVT is reworked (Thanks to Alice Margatroid)
[Scooty] Biker character leans more actively (Thanks to Alice Margatroid)
[Scooty] Scooty's headlight now rotates with the handlebar (Thanks to Paulo Roberto)
[Scooty] Scooty's default profit share is changed from 0% to 20% (Thanks to Reddington)
[Police] Bad guys spawn rate is increased (Thanks to FR13ND5)
[Vehicle] Center LSD is added to Mammoth (Thanks to 8Sh1t)
[Vehicle] Raton's default engine is changed to a new V12 400HP (Thanks to Mr. Sandman)
[Vehicle] V12 400HP engine's volume is increased (Thanks to scailman)
[Bus] Default bus schedule has increased stopping time (Thanks to scailman)
[Bus] Schedule timer doesn't start until the first stop (Thanks to majored1)
[UI] Total payment is shown after dumping cargos (Thanks to Reddington)
[Cargo] Supply delivery spawn for Premium Burger and Signature Pizza is increased
[Cargo] Added warning message for Dumping cargo(sands, garbage) into the wrong place (Thanks to We The People and NorthHopper)

Bug Fixed

[XP] Job experience calculation has errors on certain vehicles (Thanks to Eric)
[XP] Owner Profit share increased XP (Thanks to Eric)
[Control] Couldn't shift the CVT of Scooty with H-Shifter (Thanks to gummy)
[Control] Steering right with Controller while chatting close chat input box (Thanks to Fusi0n)
[Vehicle] Trailer's pivot was randomly offset (Thanks to AndrewHales, Raging Raider, Hanzer, 8O8_pouria_8O8, and AndyF4yCZ)
[Vehicle] Parking brake disengaged when the client driver enter the vehicle in the Multiplayer (Thanks to Krupke)
[Vehicle] Koma's exhaust pipe was painted with body color (Thanks to DarkFox49)
[Vehicle] Bora's side mirror size was different (Thanks to Fluxsake)
[Vehicle] Liliput's LED Display didn't work (Thanks to scailman)
[Vehicle] Liliput's passenger hands stick out through windows (Thanks to scailman)
[Vehicle] Liliput's windshield tinting was too strong from inside
[Vehicle] Trailer hitch mesh was too short (Thanks to majored1)
[Vehicle] Trailer's physics explode after leaving it at the distance and come back (Thanks to Shevy 🇦🇺 and majored1)
[Vehicle] Taxi sign keeps visible after previewing it at the garage while the Limo license is installed (Thanks to Paulo Roberto)
[Vehicle] Spawning a big vehicle at the small vehicle makes the interaction highlight stuck (Thanks to Shevy 🇦🇺)
[Cargo] Large cargo delivery is removed from Modern Dealership (Thanks to tigros and Cain)
[Cargo] Cannot put small cargo into Stella's trunk by hand (Thanks to majored1)
[Cargo] Installed cargo bed in multiplayer didn't work until restart session (Thanks to Fouss_8 and Fusi0n)
[Delivery] Furniture delivery to a resident inside the building is removed (Thanks to AndrewHales)
[Bus] Last bus stop did not restore after reconnecting to the new multiplayer session (Thanks to Mr. Sandman and majored1)
[World] Far distance object shows up and disappears after loading (Thanks to 8Sh1t and Reddington)
[Nav] AI drives a strange route at the downtown crossroad (Thanks to Paulo Roberto)
[Character] Character animation stop after leaving the vehicle (Thanks to NorthHopper)
[Character] Character randomly stuck on pushing animation even after entering the vehicle (Thanks to Smiff)
[Item] Jerrycan can be empty by the trailer (Thanks to Shevy)
[UI] Modern dealership didn't have a map icon
[UI] Random 'Failed to Tow' message at the start-up (Thanks to ffsbudman)
[UI] Job vehicle marker was blinking randomly
[UI] Destination navigation didn't update immediately at the world map during single player (Thanks to Reddington)
[UI] Scaling up the UI can make Player is to be overlapped with minimap (Thanks to Chromatose)
[UI] Some interaction box was visible from a far distance (Thanks to 8Sh1t)
[UI] Delivery marker of Furniture Factory was too high (Thanks to BuhMann)

Windows 64-bit Motor Town Windows Content Depot 1369671
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