Here's a small bugfix patch to the demo and playtest builds that improve the overall stability of the game!
We highly appreciate all the bug reports you've sent over at and are trying our best to fix as many bugs as possible.
This special playtest patch will include experimental new AI faction behavior changes.
- Added better faction interactions where they like, dislike, and hate other factions
- All AI can now use ranged items, including customers
- Added new long pole arm weapon combo set
- Reduced amount of resources from salvage piles
- Increased number of salvage piles in the Steam Survival Fest map
- Added shallow/deep water footstep SFX
- Added new ambient audio to the Steam Survival Fest map
- Added shield item to the game
- Added new longsword item
- Updated basic weaponry unlocks in the research tree
- Added better waterfall and river sounds
- Greatly improved bullet hit detection to avoid edge cases such as being hit behind a wall or shooting through a wall
- Removed item drops for monsters so they don't drop their attack moves
- Added consumable squid to the game
- Fixed AI navigation issue where they would sometimes loop around the entrance of the shop plot on save files
- Reduced memory usage by compressing many unnecessarily large textures
- Potentially fixed textures taking up too much memory because streaming wasn't working for some cameras
- Fixed items in client inventory despawning occasionally
- Fixed shops not loading sometimes from menu in a certain sequence of events
- Fixed bug where a remove item function wasn't functioning properly sometimes
- Fixed NPC shop system restocking a million times causing a black screen on respawn
- Fixed items not crafting on client with player inventory materials
- Fixed bug where players sometimes couldn't move at the start of the game
- Fixed crafting bug where materials weren't placed properly
- Fixed NRE in footstep FX code
- Fixed phone closing for the host when client loads a new chunk
- Fixed respawning causing attributes to double up sometimes
- Fixed shop sign UI breaking the ability to use the ESC menu
- Fixed host's inventory items showing for clients at (0, 0, 0)
- Fixed various client crafting bugs
- Fixed bug where catching fish in ocean bodies doesn't work
- Fixed player inventory not always being taken into account when crafting
- Fixed duplicate crafting queue items
- Fixed npc shops duplicating due to the save system
- Fixed NRE with open sign
- Fixed issue where using the open sign will disable the ESC menu
- Fixed lag spike when picking up stackable items
- Improved performance by removing gameObject.SetActive() calls on pickup
- Fixed chunks unloading and not loading back after the player dies
- Fixed chunks sometimes not loading back if they get loaded and unloaded quickly
- Fixed notifications causing lag because of a text mesh asset
- Reduced log size by removing a spammed message
- Fixed argument out of bound error in the inventory code
- Fixed NRE in the music manager code
- Fixed mouse flickering when loading in level chunks
- Fixed item rarity sometimes not loading properly
- Improved performance in game zone detection code
- Fixed several NREs with interactions and networking
- Fixed recipe count not always updating correctly for clients
Changed files in this update