⇐ v0.21.3 ⇒
- Settings: Army Veteran Gamer has been added to the social media section in settings, thank you for making a series on the game!
- Intro Animation toggle
- Letter Notation, all notations after log notation have been shifted plus one. Your settings may change if you use any of those notations.
- Diamond Shop: Time Bender IAP now multiplies offline progress as well.
- Ice: Added a button where you can queue freeze mode on the next prestige. This is so you don’t have to disable auto prestige anymore!
- Guide: Added accelerator descriptions in the accelerator guide page.
- Crafting: In tubes layer, auto brewing potions now subtracts your crafting production display.
- Added a “Set Current Crafting Layout as Preset Layout” button”.
- The Map: [Experimental] Added the ability to load a cloud save in the Map. If you want full control on what you want to choose, it’s best to go to the main menu.
- Menu: An export save button (for local saves only)
- Adventure: Zones now display their stage.
- Misc: Added a confirmation for going to Daily Solitaire.
- Extra stuff in the navigation panel has been moved to its own section, to reduce clutter.
- The accelerator icons have different colors
- (Mobile only) Ad button height is smaller: 50px => 35px
- Diamond Shop: Special upgrade now gives 2.0x per level, instead of 1.5x. However, the Energy boost will remain at 1.5x per Diamond Item added.
- Accelerators: Normal and Booster accelerators that have colors of flasks/tubes that haven’t been unlocked will be gray instead.
- Crafting: Base crafting time for red tubes has been reduced from 30 down to 10 seconds. What was I thinking?
- Fire: Auto Prestige upgrade cost 1e15 => 1e8
- Presets upgrade cost 1e5 => 1e3
- Minor UI bugs
- Settings: UI Scale slider updates the text, it also displays the correct number now
- (iOS only): Fixed the black bar setting from toggling off.
- Potions: Autos sometimes not buying
- Ice: Fixed an issue where any form of Fire gains upgrade would not boost Fire gains while in Freeze mode, if you have 0 Ice Items.
- Adventure: Fixed the issue where the enemy would not be killed if HP was exactly 0.
- Deploy All now goes off of the % Tubes to deploy.
- Saving: Fixed an issue where loading tubes while logged in on cloud will wipe the Flasks save sometimes.
- Fixed an issue where loading into tubes for the first time from the menu loads into a new flask save and overwrites your data.
- Crafting: Preset related bugs
- Potions: An exploit where you could get free potions.
- Offline: Sometimes, offline would not save properly. I added a backup offline thingy that should fix this.
- Fixed an offline exploit based on device
- Diamond Shop: Removed timer for New Player Bundle, some people would start with an empty timer.
Changed files in this update