Here are the details for release I'm pretty excited for the new features on offer here, it should really streamline play for those who like to use digital dice, without spoiling the low-friction setup for tokens.
I've also made some improvements to the Players' Game Lobby to accommodate the added information on Player Tokens, and fixed a number of bugs, including a Steam error that was causing high-CPU usage in steam itself during games.
As always, if you'd like to follow along with the development then join us on discord!
The new saved roll system works as follows:
- Added a small character selection panel above the standard dice tray, which hides if there's only one choice, and automatically switches selection when initiative changes.
- Added a button panel showing all of the selected characters rolls below the dice tray. Clicking a button once copies the saved roll into the tray, clicking again rolls it. Buttons can be right clicked to edit/delete the roll.
- Players can now click the edit button in the lobby to change details about their character, this includes the new saved roll editor where you can add any number of rolls.
- Added a saved roll editor to the DM's Token Editor tab, pre-defined tokens can have rolls saved and made better use of space on this screen in general.
- Added a "save roll" button on the dice history list during play. This allows you to save rolls you previously make during play and assign them to one of your tokens.
- Added a number of icons to identify saved rolls by.
- Saved rolls can use '&' to denote multiple separate rolls, these rolls are clearly separated when loaded into the dice tray (appearing the same way as the "then" button will show).
Additional minor features and bug fixes in this release:
- Reduced the player drawing overlay to just a top-bar.
- Greatly reduced the busyness of the Game Lobby for players.
- Added drawing tools, a collapsable dice tray, and initiative tracker panels to the fullscreen display.
- Set a fixed width for roll history entries, this should resolve weird scaling issues for high-dpi screens
- Fixed a fault in Steam API interactions that would infinitely retry when in a failing state, causing excessive CPU use by Steam.
- Fixed a crash when players press Ctrl-C with a token selected on the map.
- Added logic to create .bak files for tokens, and load those backups quietly in the event of corruption of the main file.
- Fixed an oversight that prevented the GM from rolling nothing for an opposed roll (in opposed roll mode)
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow character with / in their name to save. All symbols should now be valid in character names.
***Hotfix This patch shifts the preference for new installs to store data in AppData instead of Documents, newer versions of Windows tendency to store Documents on OneDrive by default causes errors for frequent accessors and doesn't work well with built-in backup files Dudes now generates. Existing installs that store on OneDrive will receive frequent nagging to migrate now, and faults provide instructions for manual resolution of the migration issues.
This patch should also reduce the annoyance level when save/load errors occur.
The new Lobby look:
The full player token editor:
A full view of the token drawer
Changed files in this update