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Solys Playtest update for 27 January 2022

Solys Major Update !

Share · View all patches · Build 8098708 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hello playtesters,

You might think Solys is dead... It is not. We have been working very hard on this update while expanding our game studio. We now have 4 employees working with us : 2 3D modelers, a concept artist and a marketing manager and it is very exciting to be more than 2 devs in the team.
Our artists have been hard at work making some sexy 3D models, here are some pictures of them that you will find in game:

A spaceship:

The extract tool:

A container hiding in the bushes:

Our concept artist also made us a very nice new logo !

Now for the update.

A major change was made in this update: we removed planets from our game. Some of our regular players were disapointed by this change but it's for the better, as they were causing massive performance and multiplayer issues as well as being pretty useless. They took up so much space but were empty.

This is how the new map plays out:

Our map is now an ocean with 3 islands on it, with metal nodes in the center and silicon up in the air.
The gameplay is now much faster and spaceships are still very present in the game.

Another big focus of for this update was stability. You might have played the game a few months ago and found it in a very buggy state. We have put all of our energy towards fixing them, and the game has very few bugs now.

We have added grenades to the game, and are very useful against buildings and vehicules.
And this is it for the major stuff ! A lot of minor stuff was added or changed, but I won't talk about it here since most of you probably won't read it anyways...

Cya soon and have fun !

PS : Here is a VERY OUTDATED TUTORIAL on how to play the game :

Changed depots in beta branch

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Solys Playtest Content Depot 1692441
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