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LiBER update for 25 January 2022

Patch - New update

Share · View all patches · Build 8080919 · Last edited 25 January 2022 – 09:09:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

List of updates:

  1. Rune puzzle. Added an explanation to the puzzle and a small hint in the text of the riddle.
  2. Visually improved a number of locations, worked with filters. Now the picture has become even more pleasant.
  3. Changed the animation of losing in the game. That is, when a character dies, a black screen appears immediately.
  4. Added mysterious artifacts to the game. By the way, these are the finds of archaeologists that really exist in history.
  5. A visual cue has been added to the Cannibal Camp location to make it more intuitive for the player to find a way to get out of the camp.
  6. Adjusted saves in the cave. For some players, they "flew".
  7. Save! Attention to players who lost saves after the release of the first patch. The project has been more correctly structured and renamed, as a result of which the save folder has been renamed. You just need to move your save files from C:\Users\AccountName\AppData\Local\CharacterInteraction to C:\Users\AccountName\AppData\Local\Liber
Windows 64-bit LiBER Content Depot 1543091
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