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Miners Mettle update for 24 January 2022

Patch 051: Fireworks – 24th Jan 2022

Share · View all patches · Build 8074191 · Last edited 24 January 2022 – 14:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We’ve been working on a bunch of improvements and fixes for the past few weeks. Improvements to our audio, ability/device fixes, a fix for AI trains yo-yoing, a myriad of save/load fixes, difficulty smoothing and more:

Improved the SFX in many areas, including some devices getting their unique SFX implemented

Slightly eased the difficulty of Mission 11 and 19 based on player feedback

Fixed issues with AI trains yo-yoing

Fixes issues with using the salvage devices on Zed and Iron Strike

Fixed the Jammer device not working properly

Fixed an issue with using an Artillery Station on Mission 4 not counting as leaving stealth mode

Fixed a crash occurring when pressing the “N” key (thank you Lancelot!)

Fixed an issue with key rebinding resetting to default after exiting the game (shout out to Lancelot again!)

Fixed an issue with achievements not being rewarded correctly

Fixed an issue with cloud saving not working correctly

Fixed an issue with pre-researched abilities not loading in correctly on save files

Fixed an issue with enemy trains spawning in immediately after loading a save file instead of on the correct timing

Fixed an issue with being able to possess enemy facilities in certain situations leading to crashes

Fixed a couple of different crashes occurring when loading into a game in specific situations

Fixed an issue with Repair auto-casting being turned off by default

Fixed an issue with not being able to load into Horde mode save files

Windows 64-bit Miners Mettle Testing Depot Depot 1058802
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