Patch 1.0.17 is now live!
• New anti-cheat - BattlEye
• Voice commands - Killer voice commands have been added
• All Maps - music playing on radio was updated
• Props - fixed going inside and getting stuck in the ceiling when pressing Shift
• Killers - removed the ability to move backwards while the Survivor was trying to wiggle out
• Killers - fixed that a Killer or a Survivor could get stuck after the Killer puts down the Survivor, or after the Survivor gets out of the Killer’s hands
• Killers - fixed that a Survivor could get stuck on a Killer’s shoulder, while the Killer’s ability to hit etc. would remain
• Killers - fixed the possibility of losing control over Killer if stunned multiple times
• Impostor - now, in disguise, Impostor will be able to use voice commands of a Survivor they are disguised as
• Impostor - fixed that if LMB and RMB were clicked at the same time while Impostor was disguised, he could appear to be stuck in one place while actually being able to move around
• Granny - fixed that Granny could slow down after using Astral
• Igor - fixed that Igor could lose speed while using Charge
• Survivors - fixed that Survivors could get stuck in the wall upon being knocked down if Shift was used
• Survivors - fixed the possibility of becoming both a prop and a Survivor if LMB and RMB were clicked at the same time while being in prop form
• Survivors - fixed Items not being wasted if Survivor would use them and turn into a prop at the same time
• Survivors - fixed items not being wasted if another Inventory slot was clicked simultaneously
• Survivors - fixed the possibility of infinite sprint if Survivor jumped while sprinting when almost out of stamina
• House - now Killers spawn further away from Survivors
• School - one of Killers’ spawn points was moved further away from Survivors’ spawn points
• Camp - broken pieces of Closable Doors are now the correct color
• Sounds - fixed that if a Propmachine was being repaired by several Survivors simultaneously, the sounds of successful skill check could be heard from far away
• UI Game Search - fixed that after ban's end players could only select to search for 'any role'
• UI Match Timer - now, when the match timer reaches zero but Survivors continue repairing Propmachines, players will be notified of Overtime
• UI Tab - players who left Quick Play match are now shown in gray
• UI MVP - fixed Survivor MVP having the Killer's nickname
• UI Chat - message length limit has been added
• Miscellaneous - fixed the possibility of a prop falling through map if the window was minimized
• Minor fixes and improvements of gameplay, UI and maps
Propnight update for 18 January 2022
Patch 1.0.17
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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