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Dota 2 update for 18 January 2022

Aghanim's Collector's Cache, Labyrinth Update, & DOTA: Dragon's Blood Season 2 (ClientVersion 5152)

Share · View all patches · Build 8043208 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by xPaw

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Today's update brings the all-new Aghanim's Collector's Cache featuring 18 sets voted for by the community, plus an Aghanim's Labyrinth Update filled with new rewards and gameplay. Also, continue following the story in DOTA: Dragon's Blood Season 2, now available on Netflix.

Aghanim's Collector's Cache

The votes have been tallied and the official grand magus seal of approval has been obtained, meaning Aghanim's 2021 Collector's Cache is now available — loaded with the top 18 eligible item sets as voted on by the Dota 2 community.

Unboxing 15 of these treasures will automatically grant you 36 Battle Levels, and the odds of receiving a bonus rare item will increase with each one you open. You can also recycle any unwanted items for 2 Battle Levels.

Aghanim's 2021 Collector's Cache is available for $2.49 and will only remain on sale until the end of the battle pass. All items in the Cache are untradeable and unmarketable, except for the ultra rare Phantom Assassin item.

  1. Chaos Knight
  2. Ogre Magi
  3. Dragon Knight
  4. Phantom Lancer
  5. Dawnbreaker
  6. Clockwerk
  7. Phantom Assassin
  8. Razor
  9. Ancient Apparition
  10. Chen
  11. Grimstroke
  12. Broodmother
  13. Mars
  14. Rubick
  15. Drow Ranger
  16. Alchemist
  17. Axe
  18. Abaddon

We once again thank the community artists who tendered submissions for this year's treasure, as well as the entire Battle Pass community for casting votes in support of their favorite item sets. We look forward to seeing your top selections mixing it up in the lanes.

Aghanim's Labyrinth Update

Today's patch also features a substantial update for Aghanim's Labyrinth brimming with new rewards and gameplay.

Earn the exclusive "Aghanim the Wisest" courier by saving each of the different multiverse mages, and show off your prowess with custom emoticons awarded for completing each difficulty level from Apprentice to Apex Mage. Aghanim the Magnanimous has even kept track of who already helped out, so rewards for past success are already waiting.

Head over to the patch notes page to read all about a host of balance changes, adjustments to aggro mechanics, new encounters, and more.

DOTA: Dragon's Blood Season 2 - Watch Now

Continue your anime adventure into the world of Dota with the exclusive premiere of a new season of DOTA: Dragon's Blood, arriving today on Netflix. And if you by chance missed the start of this journey, don't worry — no matter whether you binge or watch one at a time, it's never too late to catch up.

The following changelog has been automatically generated from GameTracking data.


  • Updated localization files for Portuguese - Brazil, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish - Latin America, Norwegian, Simplified Chinese, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, English, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish - Spain, and Ukrainian


  • Modified Economy Item: Phantom Lancer's Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Secrets of the Frost Singularity - Tail
  • Modified Economy Item: Secrets of the Frost Singularity - Shoulder
  • Modified Economy Item: Secrets of the Frost Singularity - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Secrets of the Frost Singularity - Arms
  • Modified Economy Item: Faceless Death - Off-Hand
  • Modified Economy Item: Flockheart's Gamble
  • Modified Economy Item: Days of the Demon - Misc
  • Modified Economy Item: The Chained Scribe - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: The Chained Scribe - Armor
  • Modified Economy Item: The Chained Scribe - Belt
  • Modified Economy Item: The Chained Scribe - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Days of the Demon - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Days of the Demon - Armor
  • Modified Economy Item: Days of the Demon - Belt
  • Modified Economy Item: Days of the Demon - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Trappings of the Old-Timers - Off-Hand
  • Modified Economy Item: Trappings of the Old-Timers - Back
  • Modified Economy Item: Cosmic Concoctioneers - Armor
  • Modified Economy Item: Cosmic Concoctioneers - Arms
  • Modified Economy Item: Cosmic Concoctioneers - Back
  • Modified Economy Item: Cosmic Concoctioneers - Off-Hand
  • Modified Economy Item: Cosmic Concoctioneers - Neck
  • Modified Economy Item: Cosmic Concoctioneers - Shoulder
  • Modified Economy Item: Cosmic Concoctioneers - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: March of the Crackerjack Mage - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: March of the Crackerjack Mage - Shoulder
  • Modified Economy Item: March of the Crackerjack Mage - Back
  • Modified Economy Item: March of the Crackerjack Mage - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Test of the Basilisk Lord - Arms
  • Modified Economy Item: Forgotten Fate - Off-Hand
  • Modified Economy Item: Forgotten Fate - Legs
  • Modified Economy Item: Forgotten Fate - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Forgotten Fate - Armor
  • Modified Economy Item: Test of the Basilisk Lord - Armor
  • Modified Economy Item: Test of the Basilisk Lord - Belt
  • Modified Economy Item: Test of the Basilisk Lord - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Test of the Basilisk Lord - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Test of the Basilisk Lord Loading Screen
  • Modified Economy Item: Stranger in the Wandering Isles - Legs
  • Modified Economy Item: Stranger in the Wandering Isles - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Stranger in the Wandering Isles - Back
  • Modified Economy Item: Stranger in the Wandering Isles - Arms
  • Modified Economy Item: Vespoid Stalker Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Silverwurm Sacrifice - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Silverwurm Sacrifice - Shoulder
  • Modified Economy Item: Silverwurm Sacrifice - Off-Hand
  • Modified Economy Item: Silverwurm Sacrifice Loading Screen
  • Modified Economy Item: Silverwurm Sacrifice - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Silverwurm Sacrifice - Dragon Form
  • Modified Economy Item: Silverwurm Sacrifice - Back
  • Modified Economy Item: Silverwurm Sacrifice - Arms
  • Modified Economy Item: Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected - Belt
  • Modified Economy Item: Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected - Back
  • Modified Economy Item: Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected - Arms
  • Modified Economy Item: Scales of the Shadow Walker - Arms
  • Modified Economy Item: Scales of the Shadow Walker - Belt
  • Modified Economy Item: Scales of the Shadow Walker - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Scales of the Shadow Walker - Shoulder
  • Modified Economy Item: Scales of the Shadow Walker - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Aghanim the Wisest
  • Modified Economy Item: Dread Retribution
  • Modified Economy Item: Bane of the Deathstalkers - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Bane of the Deathstalkers - Back
  • Modified Economy Item: Bane of the Deathstalkers - Belt
  • Modified Economy Item: Bane of the Deathstalkers - Shoulder
  • Modified Economy Item: Bane of the Deathstalkers - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Apex Automated - Power Cog
  • Modified Economy Item: Apex Automated - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Apex Automated - Rocket
  • Modified Economy Item: Apex Automated - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Apex Automated - Armor
  • Modified Economy Item: Wrath of the Celestial Sentinel - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Wrath of the Celestial Sentinel - Off-Hand
  • Modified Economy Item: Wrath of the Celestial Sentinel - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Wrath of the Celestial Sentinel - Mount
  • Modified Economy Item: Wrath of the Celestial Sentinel - Shoulder
  • Modified Economy Item: Stranger in the Wandering Isles - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Stranger in the Wandering Isles - Shoulder
  • Modified Economy Item: Stranger in the Wandering Isles - Misc
  • Modified Economy Item: Perils of the Red Banks - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Perils of the Red Banks - Mount
  • Modified Economy Item: Perils of the Red Banks - Shoulder
  • Modified Economy Item: Perils of the Red Banks - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Perils of the Red Banks - Arms
  • Modified Economy Item: Blightfall - Back
  • Modified Economy Item: Blightfall - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Blightfall - Mount
  • Modified Economy Item: Blightfall - Shoulder
  • Modified Economy Item: Blightfall - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Blightfall Loading Screen
  • Modified Economy Item: Perception of the First Light - Armor
  • Modified Economy Item: Perception of the First Light - Arms
  • Modified Economy Item: Perception of the First Light - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Perception of the First Light - Weapon
  • Modified Economy Item: Widow of the Undermount Gloom - Spiderling
  • Modified Economy Item: Widow of the Undermount Gloom - Anterior
  • Modified Economy Item: Widow of the Undermount Gloom - Legs
  • Modified Economy Item: Widow of the Undermount Gloom Loading Screen
  • Modified Economy Item: Widow of the Undermount Gloom - Head
  • Modified Economy Item: Widow of the Undermount Gloom - Back
  • Modified Economy Item: Secrets of the Frost Singularity
  • Modified Economy Item: The Chained Scribe
  • Modified Economy Item: Days of the Demon
  • Modified Economy Item: Trappings of the Old-Timers
  • Modified Economy Item: Cosmic Concoctioneers
  • Modified Economy Item: March of the Crackerjack Mage
  • Modified Economy Item: Forgotten Fate
  • Modified Economy Item: Scales of the Shadow Walker
  • Modified Economy Item: Stranger in the Wandering Isles
  • Modified Economy Item: Silverwurm Sacrifice
  • Modified Economy Item: Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected
  • Modified Economy Item: Bane of the Deathstalkers
  • Modified Economy Item: Apex Automated
  • Modified Economy Item: Wrath of the Celestial Sentinel
  • Modified Economy Item: Perils of the Red Banks
  • Modified Economy Item: Blightfall
  • Modified Economy Item: Perception of the First Light
  • Modified Economy Item: Widow of the Undermount Gloom
  • Modified Economy Item: Test of the Basilisk Lord
  • New Economy Item: Aghanim's 2021 Collector's Cache
  • New Economy Item: recycling_aghanim_2021_collectors_cache
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Soul_of_darkness
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_SpaceFrog_Hunter
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Frost_Djin
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Oni_of_the_Red_Mist
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Strangling_Gloom
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Wrath_of_the_Illustrious_Sage
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Chen_Sobek
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_First_Light
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Silver_Dragon_King
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Wandering_Ranger
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Mars_Fury_of_War_God
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Ogre_Magi__Enter_the_Dragon
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Athena_PA
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Anubis_Phantom_Lancer
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Crockwork
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Eightheaded_Basilisk
  • Removed Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_Nutcracker
  • Modified Economy Item: #DOTA_Vote_Only_Set_The_Chained_Scribe

English Localization

  • DOTA_DDB_Promo_ReleasePostTitle: DOTA: Dragon's BloodDOTA: Dragon's Blood Season 2
  • DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_aghsfort_special_juggernaut_healing_ward_detonate_Description: After healing, Healing Ward automatically chases an enemy and detonates with damage equal to %damage_percent%%% of the total amount healed.Increases Healing Ward's radius by %bonus_radius%. After healing, Healing Ward automatically chases an enemy and detonates with damage equal to %damage_percent%%% of the total amount healed.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_aghsfort2_special_drow_ranger_wave_of_silence_echo_Description: A second Gust echos with %knockback_bonus%%% increased size and knockback after a %delay% second delay.A second Gust echos with %knockback_bonus%%% increased size and knockback after a %delay% second delay. Drow gains %agility_per_hit% agility for every enemy hit and %agility_per_captain% agility for every captain hit by any wave of Gust for %agility_duration%s.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_aghsfort2_special_drow_ranger_wave_of_silence_movement_Description: Allies hit by Gust slip from the enemy's grasp with %movespeed_percent%%% increased movespeed and phased movement for the same duration as Gust's Silence and Blind duration. Drow gains free pathing when hit.Allies hit by Gust are dispelled and gain %movespeed_percent%%% increased movespeed with phased movement for the same duration as Gust's Silence and Blind duration. Drow gains free pathing from the effect.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_lich_frost_nova_execute_refund_Description: Increases primary and area damage dealt to the primary target by %primary_target_damage_pct%%%. If Frost Nova kills its primary target, %mana_cost_pct%%% of its mana cost is refunded and its cooldown is reduced by %cooldown_pct%%%.Increases primary and area damage dealt to the primary target by %primary_target_damage_pct%%%. If the primary target dies while affected by Frost Nova's slow, %mana_cost_pct%%% of the mana cost is refunded and cooldown is reduced by %cooldown_pct%%%.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_lich_frost_shield_dispels_Description: When Frost Shield is cast on allies it applies a strong dispel and grants them magic immunity for %immunity_duration% seconds.When Frost Shield is cast on allies it applies a strong dispel and grants them magic immunity for %immunity_duration_pct%%% of the shield's duration.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_lina_dragon_slave_lsa_trail_Description: Dragon Slave leaves a trail of %lsa_total% Light Strike Arrays in it's wake. These Light Strike Arrays have %lsa_power%%% less radius and damage.Dragon Slave leaves a trail of Light Strike Arrays for every %lsa_range% range it travels. These Light Strike Arrays have %lsa_power%%% less radius and damage.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_lina_dragon_slave_ignite_Description: Enemies hit with Dragon Slave are ignited for %burn_duration% seconds, taking %burn_pct%%% of Dragon Slave's damage every %burn_interval% seconds, and giving Lina %mana_restore% mana per unit hit.Enemies hit with Dragon Slave are ignited for %burn_duration% seconds, taking %burn_pct%%% of Laguna Blade's damage every %burn_interval% seconds, and giving Lina %mana_restore% mana per unit hit.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_gyrocopter_homing_missile_ride_Description: Any ally can saddle up and ride the Homing Missile. Enemies hit as the missile passes through them take the Missile's damage. Can not go over impassable terrain.Any ally can saddle up and ride the Homing Missile. Enemies hit as the missile passes through them are stunned and take %damage_mult%x the Missile's damage. Can not go over impassable terrain.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_dawnbreaker_solar_guardian_death_of_a_star_Description: Whenever Solar Guardian is cast, all non-primary targets have %solar_guardian_pct%%% Solar Guardian pulses created around them until Dawnbreaker lands. When dying, Dawnbreaker automatically casts Solar Guardian on the lowest health ally (herself if no others alive).Increases pulse heal by %bonus_heal%. Whenever Solar Guardian is cast, all non-primary targets have %solar_guardian_pct%%% Solar Guardian pulses created around them until Dawnbreaker lands. When dying, Dawnbreaker automatically casts Solar Guardian on the lowest health ally (herself if no others alive).
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_sand_king_sand_storm_blind: %SAND STORM BLIND:
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_sand_king_sand_storm_slow: %SAND STORM SLOW:
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_sand_king_burrowstrike_transport_Description: Any enemies struck by Burrowstrike are taken with Sand King to his destinationAny enemies struck by Burrowstrike are taken with Sand King to his destination, and an Epicenter is created there that pulses once for each second of Burrowstrike's current stun duration.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_sand_king_burrowstrike_reverse_Description: For 1.5s after casting Burrowstrike, Sand King can re-cast it, burrowstriking back to his original locationFor 1.5 seconds after casting Burrowstrike, Sand King can re-cast it, burrowstriking back to his original location.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_sand_king_sandstorm_independant_Description: Sand King can leave his sand storm without it being destroyedSand King gains movement speed while in Sand Storm equal to the slow, and can leave them without them being destroyed.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_sand_king_sandstorm_burrowstrike_field_Description: Every %explosion_interval%s a mini-BurrowStrike with an AoE of %explosion_radius% is created randomly within the sandstorm, impaling and stunning enemies for the current values of BurrowStrikeEvery %explosion_interval% seconds, a mini-Burrowstrike with a radius of %explosion_radius% is created randomly within the sandstorm, impaling and stunning enemies for the current values of Burrowstrike
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_sand_king_caustic_finale_sandstorm_Description: Whenever Caustic Finale is triggered it creates a Sand Storm that lasts for %sandstorm_duration% that is %sandstorm_radius_pct% the size of a regular Sand StormWhenever Caustic Finale is triggered it creates a Sand Storm that lasts for %sandstorm_duration% seconds that is %sandstorm_radius_pct%%% the size of a regular Sand Storm.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_sand_king_caustic_finale_active_Description: Caustic Finale becomes an active ability with a %active_cooldown% second Cooldown. When activated, Caustic Finale will cause an explosion that deals %power_pct%%% of Caustic Finale's damage on every attack. Active duration is the same as Caustic Finale's debuff duration.Caustic Finale becomes an active ability with a %active_cooldown% second cooldown. When activated, Caustic Finale will cause an explosion that deals %power_pct%%% of Caustic Finale's damage on every attack. Active duration is the same as Caustic Finale's debuff duration.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_sand_king_epicenter_movement_Description: If there are enemies nearby, every %movement_distance% that Sand King moves creates a pulse of EpicenterIf there are enemies nearby, every %movement_distance% that Sand King moves creates a pulse of Epicenter.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_sand_king_epicenter_allies_Description: On cast, an Epicenter that deals %value%%% damage is created around each allied heroOn cast, an Epicenter that deals %value%%% damage is created around each allied Hero.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_sand_king_epicenter_damage_resist_Description: Allies within the Epicenter range gain %damage_reduction%%% damage resistance and %status_resistance%%% status resistance for the duration of the EpicenterAllies within the Epicenter range gain %damage_reduction%%% damage resistance and %status_resistance%%% status resistance for the duration of the Epicenter.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_kunkka_tsunami_Description: Tidebringer triggers a V-shaped tidal wave for %distance_as_tidebringer_scale_pct%%% of Tidebringer's range, dragging enemies along its wake and dealing %damage_as_tidebringer_scale_pct%%% of Tidebringer's damage.Tidebringer triggers a tidal wave for %distance_as_tidebringer_scale_pct%%% of Tidebringer's range, dragging enemies along its wake and dealing %damage_as_tidebringer_scale_pct%%% of Tidebringer's damage.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_winter_wyvern_cold_embrace_blast_on_end_Description: At the end of Cold Embrace, the current level of Splinter Blast will emanate from the affected unit.During Cold Embrace, the current level of Splint Blast emanates from the target every second with %damage_mult%%% damage.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_magnataur_shockwave_damage_reduction_Description: Enemies hit by Shockwave deal %damage_reduction_pct%%% less damage for %value% seconds.Enemies hit by Shockwave are stunned instead of slowed, and deal %damage_reduction_pct%%% less damage for the duration + %value% seconds.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_magnataur_empower_charges_Description: Empower has %value% charges. Allies also receive Magnus's self damage and cleave multiplierEmpower has %value% charges, and triggers a Reverse Polarity at %rp_pct%%% at the target unit when cast.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_aghsfort_magnataur_skewer_bonus_strength_Description: Strength increased by BuldozeStrength increased by Bulldoze
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_magnataur_horn_toss_Description: Magnus preforms a Horn Toss at the end of the skewer, dealing %damage_pct%%% of skewer's damage to all enemies hit.Magnus preforms a Horn Toss at the end of the skewer, dealing %damage_pct%%% of kewer's damage to all enemies hit.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_magnataur_reverse_polarity_steroid_Description: After casting Reverse Polarity, Magnus's movement speed is increased by %move_speed_percent%%% and his attack speed is increased by %attack_speed% for %buff_duration% seconds.After casting Reverse Polarity, the caster's movement speed is increased by %move_speed_percent%%% and attack speed is increased by %attack_speed% for %buff_duration% seconds.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_disruptor_static_storm_damage_reduction_Description: All enemies caught in Static Storm deal %damage_reduction_pct%%% less damage.All enemies caught in Static Storm are slowed by %move_slow_pct%%% and deal %damage_reduction_pct%%% less damage.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_snapfire_lil_shredder_ally_cast_Description: Lil Shredder can be cast on allies.Grants an additional %bonus_attacks% attacks. Lil Shredder can be cast on allies.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_aghsfort_special_tusk_ice_shards_secondary_Description: The Ice Shard projectile continues past the cast target, dealing damage to enemies up to %value% units away. Ice shards will still be created in the usual place. The extension projectile deal an additional %value%%% of Ice Shard's damage.Grants %value% charges. The Ice Shard projectile continues past the cast target, dealing damage to enemies up to %secondary_distance% units away. Ice shards will still be created in the usual place. The extension projectile deal an additional %secondary_damage_pct%%% of Ice Shard's damage.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_tusk_snowball_heal_Description: All allies inside the Snowball gain an additional %value%%% Max Health as regen per secondSnowball gains %spell_lifesteal_pct%%% spell lifesteal. Allied Heroes inside the Snowball gain an additional %value%%% Max Health as regen per second, and any life stolen by Snowball also heals them.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_tusk_walrus_punch_reset_Description: If an enemy is killed by Walrus Punch, its cooldown is refreshed.If an enemy is killed while affected by Walrus Punch slow, its cooldown is refreshed and %mana_cost_pct%%% of the mana cost is refunded.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_ursa_earthshock_knockback_Description: Earthshock applies %value% knockback and stuns for %value3% seconds.Earthshock deals an additional %bonus_damage_pct%%% damage and applies a %value% radius knockback and stun for %value3% seconds.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_ursa_enrage_attack_speed_Description: Enrage provides %value2% attack speed to allied within %value% radius.Enrage provides the current level of Overpower to allies within %value% radius.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_mars_gods_rebuke_stun_Description: God's Rebuke stuns enemies for %value% seconds.Grants %value% charges. God's Rebuke stuns enemies for %stun_duration_mult%%% of the slow duration.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_mars_arena_of_blood_outside_perimeter_Description: Soldiers in the Arena of Blood also attack enemies up to %value% units outside the arena.Soldiers in the Arena of Blood attack %attack_rate_mult%x as fast and get knocked back less, while also attacking enemies up to %value% units outside the Arena.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_viper_corrosive_skin_aura_Description: Corrosive Skin becomes an aura that affects teammates within %value% range for half the effect.Corrosive Skin's damage is increased by %damage_increase_pct%%% and becomes an aura that affects teammates within %value% range for half the effect.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_weaver_time_lapse_allies_Description: Time Lapse can target allies.Time Lapse can target allies and casts Shukuchi on the target.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_weaver_time_lapse_explosion_Description: Time Lapsed units create explosions at the start and end of their paths, damaging units in a %radius% area for %damage_pct%%% of the target's missing Health.Time Lapsed units create explosions along their path, damaging units in a %radius% area for %damage_pct%%% of the target's missing Health.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_witch_doctor_voodoo_restoration_lifesteal_Description: Allies affected by Voodoo Restoration also gain %value%%% lifesteal.Allies affected by Voodoo Restoration also gain %lifesteal_pct%%% lifesteal and %spell_lifesteal_pct%%% spell lifesteal.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_witch_doctor_death_ward_no_channel_Description: Death Ward does not need to be channeled. Death Ward lasts for %value%%% of max durationDeath Ward does not need to be channeled.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_slark_pounce_attack_all_Description: Slark also attacks all targets he jumps through, including the leashed enemy.Grants %value% charges. Slark also attacks all targets he jumps through, including the leashed enemy.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_queenofpain_shadow_strike_chain_Description: Each attack Shadow Strike bounces to up %value% additional targets.Shadow Strike bounces to up %value% additional targets.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_aghsfort_special_queenofpain_blink_generates_scream_Description: Blink generates a Scream of Pain at its start and end positions.Blink generates a Scream of Pain at its end position.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_aghsfort_special_queenofpain_blink_attack_speed_Description: Blink provides %bonus_attack_speed% bonus attack speed for %duration%s.Blink provides %bonus_attack_speed% bonus attack speed for %duration%s. This effect can stack multiple times.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_aghsfort_special_queenofpain_sonic_wave_attack_buff_Description: Increases Queen of Pain's Attack Speed by %attack_speed%, Attack Damage by %attack_damage% for %buff_duration% seconds for each enemy hit with Sonic Wave.For each enemy hit by Sonic Wave, Queen of Pain gains %spell_amp%%% Spell Amplification and %bonus_damage% Attack Damage for %buff_duration% seconds.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_aghsfort_special_queenofpain_sonic_wave_attack_buff_Description: Damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%, attack speed increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_ATTACKSPEED_BONUS_CONSTANT%Damage increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_PREATTACK_BONUS_DAMAGE%, spell amplification increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_SPELL_AMPLIFY_PERCENTAGE%%%
  • DOTA_Aghanim2022_CollectorsCache_HeaderText: Earn 36 Bonus Battle Pass Levels
  • DOTA_Aghanim2022_CollectorsCache_SubText: Open treasures to earn up to <span class=\"levels\">36 Battle Pass Levels.</span>
  • and 31 more.



  • Sand King: Armor physical increased from 0 to 1 (+1)


  • ascension_extra_fast: Bonus move speed reduced from 50 to 40 (-10)
  • lifestealer_passive: Damage threshold pct of max increased from 25 to 30 (+5)
  • Guardian Angel: Changed ability cooldown from 160/140/120 to 120
  • Heal Life Angel: Purification trigger chance increased from 20 to 25 (+5)
  • Shocking Travel: Value increased from 70 to 100 (+30)
  • Static Storm: Changed ability cooldown from 90/80/70 to 60/55/50
  • Pacific Storm: Damage reduction pct increased from 30 to 50 (+20)
  • Pacific Storm: Added new attribute move slow pct with value of 50
  • Shock and Awe: Damage reduction pct reduced from 75 to 50 (-25)
  • Over-Empower: Added new attribute rp pct with value of 50
  • Too Many Waves: Shockwave cooldown reduced from 4 to 3 (-1)
  • Reverse Polarity: Ability cooldown reduced from 90 to 75 (-15)
  • Ice Cold Killing: Added new attribute damage mult with value of 50
  • Mortimer Kisses: Changed ability cooldown from 120/110/100 to 90
  • Lil' Shredder: Added new attribute linkedspecialbonus with value of aghsfort_special_snapfire_lil_shredder_ally_cast
  • Lil' Shredder: Added new attribute linkedspecialbonusfield with value of bonus_attacks
  • Lil Friendly Shredder: Added new attribute bonus attacks with value of 3
  • Ice Shards: Changed shard duration from 3.0 to 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
  • Ice Shard Extension: Added new attribute value with value of 2
  • Snow Fort: Added new attribute spell lifesteal pct with value of 20
  • Cool Party: Value increased from 8 to 12 (+4)
  • And Another Punch!: Added new attribute mana cost pct with value of 50
  • Cannonball: Added new attribute bonus damage pct with value of 25
  • Ursa Minor: Cub swipes modifier increased from 25 to 35 (+10)
  • Arena Of Blood: Ability cooldown reduced from 90 to 75 (-15)
  • Stunning Rebuke: Added new attribute stun duration mult with value of 50
  • Anyway, Here's Spearwall: Added new attribute attack rate mult with value of 2
  • Shedding Skin: Value increased from 900 to 1600 (+700)
  • Shedding Skin: Added new attribute damage increase pct with value of 50
  • Time Lapse: Changed ability cooldown from 70/55/40 to 60/50/40
  • Death Ward: Changed ability cooldown from 80.0 to 60/55/50
  • Invigorating Charm: Removed attribute value with value of 15
  • Invigorating Charm: Added new attribute lifesteal pct with value of 15
  • Invigorating Charm: Added new attribute spell lifesteal pct with value of 8
  • Bewitched: Value increased from 50 to 100 (+50)
  • Brackish Bath: Damage pct reduced from 150 to 50 (-100)
  • Gone Fishing: Added new attribute value with value of 2
  • Lucky Catch: Leash chance increased from 15 to 20 (+5)
  • Sonic Wave: Ability cooldown reduced from 125 to 100 (-25)
  • Fervent Assault: Duration increased from 4 to 10 (+6)
  • Hall of Pain: Effect radius increased from 80 to 125 (+45)
  • Discordant Force: Removed attribute attack speed with value of 10
  • Discordant Force: Added new attribute spell amp with value of 1
  • Discordant Force: Bonus damage increased from 10 to 15 (+5)
  • Dragon Trail: Removed attribute lsa total with value of 4
  • Dragon Trail: Added new attribute lsa range with value of 250
  • Detonate Ward: Added new attribute bonus radius with value of 150
  • White-Hot Katana: Ignite damage percent increased from 25 to 50 (+25)
  • White-Hot Katana: Ignite duration increased from 5 to 10 (+5)
  • Marksmanship: Ability cooldown reduced from 70 to 60 (-10)
  • Silent Echo: Added new attribute agility per hit with value of 2
  • Silent Echo: Added new attribute agility per captain with value of 4
  • Silent Echo: Added new attribute agility duration with value of 12
  • Eclipse: Changed ability cooldown from 140.0/130/120 to 90
  • Lunatic Frenzy: Lifesteal increased from 20 to 25 (+5)
  • Lunatic Frenzy: Duration multiplier increased from 3 to 4 (+1)
  • Frost Shield: Changed damage reduction from 5/10/15/20% to 7/14/21/28%
  • Chain Frost: Changed ability cooldown from 100.0/80.0/60.0 to 60.0/55.0/50.0
  • Anti-Magic Shield: Removed attribute immunity duration with value of 3
  • Anti-Magic Shield: Added new attribute immunity duration pct with value of 50
  • Tsunami: Damage as tidebringer scale pct increased from 20 to 250 (+230)
  • Tidebringer: Changed damage bonus from 15/30/45/60 to 20/40/60/80
  • Ghostship: Changed ability cooldown from 80/70/60 to 60
  • Ghostship: Changed ability damage from 400/500/600 to 0/0/0/0
  • Ghostship: Added new attribute ghostship damage with value of 400 500 600
  • Phantom Attack: Value increased from 200 to 250 (+50)
  • Missile Ride: Hit radius increased from 90 to 120 (+30)
  • Missile Ride: Added new attribute damage mult with value of 2
  • Sand Storm: Removed attribute blind with value of 25
  • Sand Storm: Added new attribute blind slow pct with value of 25
  • Sand Storm: Removed attribute slow with value of 20
  • Sand Storm: Removed attribute linkedspecialbonus with value of special_bonus_unique_sand_king_4
  • Epicenter: Changed ability cooldown from 120/110/100 to 100
  • Transport Burrow: Removed attribute value with value of 6.0
  • Transport Burrow: Added new attribute sandstorm duration mult with value of 3
  • Solar Guardian: Changed ability cooldown from 120/110/100 to 100
  • Lightbringer: Duration increased from 5 to 6 (+1)
  • Lightbringer: Cooldown reduced from 60 to 45 (-15)
  • Lightbringer: Mana cost reduced from 100 to 75 (-25)
  • Sun Sentinel: Duration increased from 3 to 5 (+2)
  • Death of a Star: Added new attribute bonus heal with value of 75
  • Singe: Knockback distance increased from 50 to 75 (+25)
  • Singe: Knockback duration increased from 0.1 to 0.2 (+0.1)
  • Singe: Move slow duration increased from 1 to 2 (+1)
  • Strafe: Duration increased from 7 to 10 (+3)
  • Brain Sap: Damage reduced from 600 to 475 (-125)
  • Fiend's Grip: Damage reduced from 250 to 200 (-50)
  • Flaming Lasso: Damage per second reduced from 100 to 75 (-25)
  • Chemical Rage: Duration reduced from 12 to 10 (-2)
  • Chemical Rage: Bonus health regen reduced from 100 to 50 (-50)


  • Blade Mail: Item purchasable reduced from 1 to 0 (-1)
  • item_od_encounter_meteor_hammer: Item purchasable reduced from 1 to 0 (-1)
  • Continuum Key: Added new attribute custom shop with value of 1
  • Continuum Key: Added new attribute requires custom shop with value of 1
  • Continuum Key: Added new attribute required custom shop name with value of boss_shop


  • Grumpy Ogre Seal: Added new attribute Creature/AggroOnOwnerWhenDamaged with value of 1
  • Portly: Armor physical reduced from 25 to 20 (-5)
  • Portly: Changed bounds hull name from DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HUGE to DOTA_HULL_SIZE_LARGE
  • Deadeye: Changed bounds hull name from DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HUGE to DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL
  • Cadaver: Pathfinding search depth scale reduced from 0.2 to 0.1 (-0.1)
  • Storegga: Armor physical reduced from 36 to 32 (-4)
  • Toothy Toothums: Armor physical reduced from 4 to 3 (-1)
  • Toothy Toothums: Status health reduced from 3150 to 2800 (-350)
  • Misunderstood Artist: Armor physical reduced from 2 to 0 (-2)
  • Rizzrick: Armor physical reduced from 15 to 12 (-3)
  • Al, the chemist: Armor physical reduced from 30 to 15 (-15)
  • Elder Tremor: Armor physical reduced from 11 to 10 (-1)
  • Gaoler Guard: Armor physical reduced from 40 to 35 (-5)
  • Meranth Guard: Armor physical reduced from 8 to 6 (-2)
  • Nemestice Hacker: Armor physical reduced from 5 to 3 (-2)
  • Bat Bandit: Added new attribute Creature/AggroOnOwnerWhenDamaged with value of 1
  • Kasaj Whitewing: Armor physical reduced from 26 to 20 (-6)
  • Wraith Warden: Armor physical reduced from 26 to 24 (-2)
  • Tinkwerk: Armor physical reduced from 28 to 25 (-3)
  • Bulls Eye: Armor physical reduced from 25 to 20 (-5)
  • Shishka Bob: Armor physical reduced from 30 to 25 (-5)
  • Backstabber: Armor physical reduced from 10 to 8 (-2)
  • Camp Counsellor: Armor physical reduced from 30 to 25 (-5)
  • Camp Counsellor: Status health reduced from 50000 to 47500 (-2500)
  • Camp Assistant: Armor physical reduced from 20 to 15 (-5)
  • Camp Assistant: Status health reduced from 12500 to 12000 (-500)
  • Carrie: Added new attribute Creature/HPGain with value of 250
  • Outworld Meteorologist: Armor physical reduced from 10 to 8 (-2)
  • Outworld Meteorologist: Movement speed reduced from 400 to 380 (-20)
  • Primal Beast: Armor physical reduced from 80 to 75 (-5)
  • Mathematician: Armor physical reduced from 2 to 1 (-1)
  • Relict Fool: Armor physical reduced from 3 to 2 (-1)
  • Relict Cheater: Armor physical reduced from 5 to 3 (-2)
  • Swindler: Armor physical reduced from 8 to 6 (-2)
  • Giant Amoeboid: Armor physical reduced from 27 to 25 (-2)
  • Corrupted Fae: Armor physical reduced from 26 to 24 (-2)
  • Sweeper: Added new attribute Creature/AggroOnOwnerWhenDamaged with value of 1
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