- Fixed Gun cannot show indicator
- Fixed all player spawning point
- Player spawning
- buildings in air fixed.
- can disabling number FX But HP bar is still show
- Save Player side when spawning
- Player spawning always on ground
- Dig along the border of the Terrain
- Following NPCs spawning
- Game no Reloading
- Accepting quests no longer lag
- the Pink material fixed
- cost of skill show properly
- crafting system all fixed
- FPS settings
- Optimized all game sounds
- Fate, black screen FX
- All flying enemies Won't knockback
- island, can build everywhere
- Mini map can warp
- Crafting button can long pressed But up to 99
- Ores have different wink color
- can sell all trash by Loot
- Energy recovery 80% Str/Sec
- warp FX in all scenes
Changed files in this update