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The 100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack update for 9 January 2022

Splat Chat is coming!

Share · View all patches · Build 7991020 · Last edited 9 January 2022 – 04:09:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey there!

Hope you're doing well! I have been hard at work this week building a new game and I'm super excited to share it with you soon. It's called Splat Chat and it's a simple game of luck and survival for 100 people in your Twitch Chat. The best way I can describe is - it's my 100-player take on Mario Party's It's the Pits (see video below), but instead, heavy objects fall from the sky and splat you. It's simple and super fun.

On top of all the work on Splat Chat, I've spent a ton of time building out some systems that will be implemented soon. The biggest is a tool that adds somewhat-intelligent bots to all the games. I figure it will give all streamers a way to somewhat experience the chaos of a full house, even if they only have a small audience.

Fixes and additions in version 0.52 are

  • Added a cool Steel-Battalion-style lock when certain keys are disabled in Minesweeper Extreme: 100
  • Actually for real fixed the bug where 2-factor authentication would die and the game would be stuck
  • Fixed a crash bug in Minesweeper Extreme: 100's AFK mode. Whoops!
  • Fixed a crash bug in Happy Tanksgiving where every one in a thousand times, a bullet would lose it's ID and crash the whole game. Still no idea how it's happening, but it won't crash the game anymore!
  • More UI cleanup everywhere
  • Fixed the ping list not being in the right place for Minesweeper Extreme: 100
  • Lots of art and animations added to Splat Chat

To all of you that have invited me into your streams to check out the games and provide feedback, thank you so much. It's because of you that these games are getting better and things are getting fixed. Keep the feedback coming!

That's all for now and I hope you enjoy the latest update.

All the best!

Windows 64-bit The 100-Player Twitch Chat Party Pack Content Depot 1269401
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