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Rogue Invader update for 28 December 2021

Rogue Invader - Update 1.0.31

Share · View all patches · Build 7945306 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We got a good amount of fixes and adjustments for any curious invaders. Read on for the full intel.

Balance Changes

NOTE FROM CREATOR: The cost of all items, armors, upgrades, and weapons has been re-balanced across the entire game. My original goal for Rogue Invader was to have it be a good challenge, but not requiring too much grind. At release, I and the internal testing team felt it good. But initial feedback had us go back and look at the game progression. Costs seemed a little too grindy, and so I've gone through and lowered everything. This should allow players to experiment with more of the items, weapons, and airstrikes without breaking the bank. I hope this change will make for a more fun experience overall. Don't worry, for those that liked the higher priced items, and steeper difficulty because of them, we have HARD difficulty planned for a future DLC.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where game would crash trying to spawn the corpse of the previous soldier.
  • Turrets no longer switch back to attacking the player if they've already been hacked. No double agents allowed!
  • Auto-Beam modded weapons now properly beam the weapon back to the fleet.
  • Deaths by Turret are now tracked in the soldier archives.
  • Fixed rare issue where "Don't Feed the Wildlife" achievement would not trigger.
  • Shield Strength Upgrade now unlocks when fully researching Zeno Staff. Will unlock for players that have already fully researched the Zeno Staff. This also allows for achieving 100% research (73/73).
  • Shooting King Zeno with an Anti-Matter or Freeze modded weapon now properly triggers the end game cut-scene.
  • Fixed issue where research was carrying over between profiles
  • Intermittent transition issue from Fortress to Underground should not try to load multiple times any longer.
  • Fixed issue where beginning Terran unlocks would keep unlocking if leaving to Main Menu then returning to Valhalla

Gameplay Improvements

  • Tech Items (Zeno Probes, Scanners, etc...) now can be moved by the player to prevent blocking.
  • Planetary Hazards chance now maxes out at 30 drops, instead of the previous 20 drops. Hazards now should be less... um... hazardous in the early game.
  • Zeno Staff and Drill enemies now have a longer pause after each attack.
  • Added secondary checks to rare conditions of game getting stuck on loading screens while transitioning between areas.
  • Safety check on level transitions if rare condition elevators get stuck.
  • Added safety check to rare instance of player loading in before the level as they transitioned between levels.
  • Fallen list should now load faster and not freeze on large drop numbers
  • Commander voice over only plays once when entering the Throne Interior

User Interface

  • Low Health now shows a warning over the player
  • Fixed Bio-Sensor not disappearing after an enemy had been defeated.
  • Mining Helm numbers on resources now displays a +50% icon instead of x1.5 text. It just looks more pretty.
  • Overheated weapons, broken weapons, and recovering secret now have clearer warning images vs the small text. These just look even more pretty.

Invade Responsibly!

Windows Rogue Invader Content Depot 342081
  • Loading history…
macOS 64-bit Rogue Invader Mac Depot 342082
  • Loading history…
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