Hope you all had a safe and happy holiday season!
This update introduces the three Japanese battleship classes:
- Fuso
- Ise
- Nagato
In addition, rear gunners have been added to those aircraft that were missing them along with support for custom campaign maps which now allow modders to start creating campaigns outside of the original Solomon Islands map area.
Finally, TMA parameters for calculating firing solutions have been added on an individual ship class basis to better represent their accuracy.
Version 1.08g4h1
7 Jan 22
3 New Battleships: Fuso, Ise, Nagato
materials/other added material references for Fuso, Ise, Nagato
unit/sea added folders for fuso, ise, nagato
language/english/unit/sea added language files for fuso, ise, nagato
unit/sea/allUnitsList.txt added references for fuso, ise, nagato
campaign/campaignXXX/seaUnits.txt added references to fuso, ise, nagato to add them to existing campaigns
Support for individual ship TMA override variables added.
ship_data.txt files added new variable "tmaOverride":[0.03,0.95,0.01,0.75,0.1,0.75,0.007,0.2]
- values specified override global TMA variables from config.txt
- [directorTMARate, directorMaxSolution, localDirectorTMARate, localDirectorMaxSolution, tmaPercentRangeThreshold, tmaPercentRangeMaxPenalty, tmaDecayRate, tmaRadarBonus]
- all merchants_data.txt files added "tmaOverride":[0.02,0.85,0.01,0.75,0,1,0.02,0.15] to drop surface gunnery accuracy by ~30% at 10km and reduce bonus from radar
- all submarines_data.txt files added "tmaOverride":[0.03,0.95,0.01,0.75,0.1,0.75,0.007,0.2] to increase solution rate and decrease decay rate to emulate better tracking of multiple targets
Re-imported model files/corrected textures for ships:
- south_dakota
- lexington
- wasp
Re-imported model files/textures for aircraft to add rear gunners:
- devastator
- jake
Modified aircraft_model.txt files for devastator, jake to add rear guns
materials/_common.txt added new material for MachineGunInterior (for US rear gunner)
unit/sea/mountData.txt added references to new gun
- 41cm453rdYearType
Fixed a bug where message log text could have spaces trimmed causing lack of spaces in message
Player controlled aircraft correctly manually fire guns in a dogfight
default/campaign/campaignXXX/setup.txt added new variable "customWaterMask":false
- if true, the path specified in variable "mapWaterMask":"maps/solomon/solomon_watermask_example.png" is read
- watermask should be 2048x1024 png file with transparency defining water
Changed files in this update