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Mutilate-a-Doll 2 update for 22 December 2021

Things That Do Things Update

Share · View all patches · Build 7928143 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Things That Do Things

  • Added 50+ new things that do things.

  • Added 0 new things that don't things.

  • Fixed things that didn't do things well, or that did things wrong.

New Items

The theme for this update was (obviously) things that do things, with lots of interesting customization via tweakable values and linking. The only exception was no guns, as those will follow in a future update ːMaDFirearmː.

The next couple updates will be purely more and more items, to even further flesh out the MaD Lab functionality system (see the Lab section below for more info.)

Find them all under [Library > Things That Do Things].

3D Printer
AC Unit
Airstrike Flare
All-Knowing Shell
Annoying Alarm Clock
Apocryphal Blade
Arcade Machine
Au Gratin Pan
Auto Link
Brick Mine
Bricking Hammer
Bus Stop Sign
Can of Worms
Card Box
Celestial Compass
Celestial Star
Chaotic Hammer
Charged Judgement
Cheap Firecracker
Chili Spear
Core of the Earth
Crane Magnet
Cyber Tire
Dirtbike Wheel
Disposal Barrel
Door Switch
Drain Field
Egg Carton
Electric Iron
Exploding Sign
Futuristic Monopod
Single-Use Sword
Single-Use Sword Blade
Single-Use Sword Box
Single-Use Sword Hilt
Joint Slinger
Link Beam
N-Sided Die
Neodymium Sword
Opacity Switch
Prisoned Rift
Remote Camera
Slipping Sign
Smart Ice Cube
Spring-Loaded Glove
Swinging Bottle

Item Tweaks
  • Blight only affects Alive items

  • Bricks are heavier by default

  • Burning items produce more varied sounds with a higher quality (at the cost of there being an occasional tiny gap since it's no longer a single looped sound)

  • Lighter-type items trigger Fireworks on touch

  • Neuro gas deals more damage in a smaller radius

  • Sticky items stick more (to more items at once, and with more force to walls)

  • Chainsaw won't spawn more than ten sounds at once (wromrrromrowromowrromor)

  • Magma projectiles have fancier visuals, are now hotter, and are destroyed when extinguished (e.g. Dragon's Breath)

  • Magnets no longer affect ignored items

  • Melting triggers on-destroy effects

  • Random property effects can't apply disintegrating or ghost (so the property-applying item can actually hit them again)

  • Worms now also deal damage on bite instead of just applying bleeding

Damage Tweaks
  • Generic blunt damage is higher by default

  • Giblets have been tweaked to have more varied sizes and models, to inherit more velocity, burst into blood better, and disintegrate more randomly

  • Slightly larger chunks are allowed to turn into giblets, but on average fewer giblets will spawn compared to before

  • Low-mass alive items will produce fewer giblets, to avoid gibsplosions when rapidly cutting

Misc Tweaks
  • Main menu does things now

  • Add console command "detaillocked [0/1]" (temporarily toggles whether or not detail tool can area select locked items)

  • Launch tool has been improved to use wheel rotation and mass rotation

  • Wheel rotation has been modified so selected item only rotates while dragging/moving

Item Fixes
  • Bleach+Ammonia collision works properly again

  • Electricity and Neuro gas won't cause bleeding any more

  • Explosions are more explody aka previously-intended more cuts per explosion were not working properly

  • Items with Resist Shock are no longer triggered by Shock power

Misc Fixes
  • Cloning no longer disables Vanilla spawn property

  • Compressed triggerCustom won't fail to load sometimes

  • Wheel speed setting loads at correct values now

MaD Lab

MaD Lab is the item editor made from scratch specifically for MaD2 content creation.

The Cryolab update added an XML-based model functionality support to MaD Lab and MaD2, which has since been expanded to be the main content creation workflow for the game.

See the documentation for more info:

While the system was originally made to make item creation easier for myself, all of the new functionalities in this update were also made to be as generic as possible so they can be applied to other models as well and tweaked. (At least, where feasible, e.g. there's kind of no way to generalize an item that spawns spaghetti.)

From my point of view the system works brilliantly for content creation -- tweaking item model values in Lab while the game is running and then refreshing to see the changes in-game is just great.

More items and more functionalities will follow.

  • Add temperature and temperatureMelt attribute support into functionality

  • Add "stormcloud" projectile


Use via trigger="triggers::TriggerNameCaseSpecific" in functionality XML.

  • AimAtLinkedAttachment (makes gun aim at linked item while attached, e.g. triggerPos="0,-20" triggerForce="100" triggerColour="e92d15")

  • Airstrike (Spawns Force amount of linked items every Duration after triggered, items ignore walls and trigger on collision)

  • AnnoyingAlarmClock (Bounces around.)

  • ApplyEffectInRadius (applies body effect in radius, e.g. triggerCustom="gib")

  • ApplyEffectOnSharp (applies body effect on sharp hit, e.g. triggerCustom="gib")

  • ApplyForceSpecific (e.g. Slipping Sign: triggerForce="100" triggerRadius="200" triggerPos="150,0" triggerCustom="items=doll_foot,doll_leg;force=1,0;pos=0,100;randomForce=true")

  • AutoJoint (welds items to itself when something hits the joint line, similar to firearm attachments. E.g. triggerPos="0,-20" triggerColour="e92d15")

  • CameraFollowLinked (makes camera follow the first linked item)

  • D20 (Rolls a number between 1 and Force. Triggers items when the highest value is rolled.)

  • DestroyOnColour (Destroys other item when hit by layer with Colour. e.g. triggerColour="FF00FF")

  • DisintegrateIntoItems (same as SpawnItem except spawns multiple items by adding amount=n in triggerCustom)

  • DisintegrateIntoParticles (e.g. triggerCustom="particle=tinysprinkle;amount=20" triggerColour="FF00FF" triggerContact="10")

  • DisintegrateOnHit (applies DisintegrateIntoItems to items it hits, with same triggerCustom parameters, e.g. triggerCustom="items=chilipepper;posX=0;posY=0;scale=0.5;destroy=false;amount=10;randomScale=1;randomPos=1;particle=fire3" triggerColour="FF0000" triggerCollide="50")

  • DoorSwitch (toggles ghost and sets alpha to Force% on trigger, and resets on untrigger. Only toggles alpha when triggerState="1")

  • DrainHeal (drains Force health from items in Radius, and sends it to linked items.)

  • DrawStage (draws the stage on the item, e.g. triggerCustom="posX=0,posY=-60,scale=0.075")

  • EmitProjectile (triggerForce="Forward Emit Force", triggerDuration="Frames To Emit", triggerPos="X,Y", triggerCustom="Projectile Name")

  • ExplodeInRadius (makes all items in radius explode every duration frames)

  • FireworkGrenade (same as firework except explodes more and doesn't fly, e.g. triggerForce="1000" triggerRadius="200" triggerPos="0,-15" triggerDuration="30")

  • JointSlinger (1. Creates a joint from Pos forwards, up to Radius away. 2. Pulls towards it at Force for Duration. 3. Destroys the joint and starts all over again. E.g. triggerForce="100" triggerDuration="30" triggerColour="94deef" triggerPos="36,0" triggerRadius="1962")

  • LinkLinkedToRay (links from linked items to items that touch the ray. E.g. triggerForce="100" triggerColour="259e25" triggerPos="20,0")

  • LinkToJointed (Links linked items to jointed items when triggered.)

  • MagnetWhenSwung (attracts items in triggerRadius by triggerForce when spinning or moving fast enough, e.g. triggerRadius="200" triggerForce="500")

  • MeltAndPour (Temperature in radius, destroy on colour, and pour projectiles combined. E.g. triggerForce="100" triggerRadius="50" triggerCustom="items=magma,lava;start=-10,-25;end=10,-25;angle=75;chance=0.05" ignore="magma" triggerColour="FF00FF")

  • PourSpawnProjectile (e.g. triggerCustom="items=worm;start=-10,-20;end=10,-20;angle=75;chance=0.05")

  • ProjectilesOnEverything (Spawns custom projectiles when moving too fast, or hitting with sharp)

  • ProjectilesOnSharp (Spawns custom projectiles the next frame after hitting with sharp)

  • ProjectilesWhenSpun (spawns custom projectile every duration frames, when spinning faster than force e.g. triggerCustom="magma" triggerDuration="8" triggerForce="50")

  • ProjectilesWhenSpunOrSwung (Spawns custom projectiles when speed exceeds force)

  • **RandomEffectInRadius and RandomEffectOnHit

  • [b]RandomPropertiesOnHit** (Adds force amount of random properties to the item[/b] (not its victims) on hit and while triggered, capping at 50)

  • Refactor generic visual effects (e.g. burn/freeze/radiation/etc visuals on alive items. This should change nothing, but is mentioned for bug reporting purposes in case any issues are found.)

  • RotAndWorms (e.g. triggerColour="6a6533" triggerDuration="30")

  • SayRandomLine (says a random line of text when shaken or thrown e.g. triggerCustom="Yes.;No.")

  • SetTemperatureInRadius (Heats or cools temperature of items in Radius towards Force over Duration)

  • SpaghettiInRadius (Summons spaghetti in Radius that slaps items away with Force. E.g. triggerRadius="200" triggerForce="100" triggerPos="0,-30")

  • SpawnItems (triggerCustom="items=id,id,...;posX=number,number,...;posY=number,number,...;rot=number,number,...")

  • SpawnItemsCraft (same as SpawnItems, except has "targets=a,b,c" in triggerCustom, only triggering when hitting any of those items, e.g. triggerCustom="items=glasssword;targets=glassswordblade;posX=0;posY=-38;rot=0")

  • SpawnItemsSlowly (spawns linked items slowly, e.g. triggerCustom="posX=0,posY=0,forceX=0,forceY=0" triggerDuration="120")

  • SpawnItemsWhenSwung (spawns items every triggerDuration frames when spinning or moving fast enough, inheriting base item's velocity multiplied by triggerForce, e.g. triggerCustom="items=brick;destroy=0;temporary=1;posX=-10;posY=-20;rot=0" triggerContact="100" triggerForce="1000" triggerDuration="10" ignore="brick")

  • TeleportBehindOnHit (teleports on sharp every triggerDuration frames, moving towards hit body at triggerForce e.g. triggerForce="100" triggerDuration="10")

  • TemperatureInRadius (Modifies temperature of items in Radius by Force each frame.)

  • TriggerLinkedOnDestroy (triggers linked items when the item is destroyed)

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