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Your Show Has Been Cancelled update for 19 December 2021

Back Into The Swing Of Things: Part 1

Share · View all patches · Build 7908999 · Last edited 19 December 2021 – 06:09:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • You will now no longer lose any Dolas from leaving an already complete dungeon level.
  • Sound settings should properly load this time. Sound settings no longer round down one or two points.
  • Conversations now use a ':' instead of a '-' to separate the speaker's name/speaker's perceived name/player's inner monologue from what they are saying.
  • Instances of the player's inner monologue has been modified to have '*' around them (this involved checking every single conversation in the game :[ ).
  • The weapon bar icon flashes when weapon health is less than 10%.
  • Most enemy projectiles can no longer deal more than a third of the player's max health (exceptions being end game bosses and the MEGA Bullet).

NPCs and Conversations

  • The "Crazy for Mayo" quest NPC now has animation.
  • One of the park guards had his dialogue toned down/made to be not oh-so out of place.
  • One merchant in the center of town now sells the Blank Card junk item. The same merchant no longer sells Road Chunks.
  • Slightly changed what the hobos outside the UCH are complaining about. Now they are more specific about what they don't like about the Slums (how unclean it is only when compared to the UCH).
  • Extended the open range of the double secret chest to make it easier to open and "achieve."
  • The 2 overworld chests in the broadcasting center now have the correct open chest sprites.
  • The electric DJ will no longer be seen behind his "set" after defeating him, again.
  • Fixed some name misspellings in the Slums.
  • The man in the Deep Slums now gives a better hint for the secret paths in the area.
  • Made TrashMan looking for corn dog sticks be a little less confusing in his conversation if he has a quest or not. He also has new dialogue after the main story.
  • Added Tutto to the bad show club room after you reach it, but before you defeat the boss. He disappears from there after their defeat. He tells the player that the elevator is working again.
  • Changed one of the conversations in the player's home after the story is complete to better align with their preferences. (They will continue to not like $bshow and instead have things related to the other shows at Mega Reels)


  • Reworked Minimaps

    • Small minimap is slightly bigger, zoomed out more, and less transparent.
    • Big minimap is bigger, extending to the top & bottom portions of the screen. It has also been zoomed out and is also less transparent.
  • Dungeon key items will now be more visible on the minimap (A purplish dot as big as the player). A message in the dungeon tutorial about it has been added.

  • Dungeon Rooms drawn like triangles should hopefully no longer have a square cut off from the world

  • Triangle rooms can no longer be drawn at any rotation amount (too likely to have a corner get cut off)

  • The rectangle rooms in the Tower dungeons are once again drawn with any rotation amount.

  • Enemies in "The Enemy Cast" now only drop extra Dolas or EXP orbs when defeated.


  • Objective messages are now a little more clear on where to go (especially for when you need to go to Center Square to get people's opinions)
Windows Your Show Has Been Cancelled D-Windows Depot 1730392
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macOS Your Show Has Been Cancelled D-Mac Depot 1730393
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