You know the drill here it is:
- Fixed the bug where rivers would glow.
- Multiple level fixes.
- Fixed the bug where weapon holster could store other items.
- Fixed the bug where player could not select D4 as respawn sector.
- Fixed the bug where it would wrongly calculate ingredients need to build walls.
- Fixed shotgun shells clipping through barrel on M1887.
- Fixed the bug where relogging while in water would cause client crashes.
- Fixed the bug where player could not crouch in shallow water.
- Fixed the bug where corn bait was not visible in hands.
- Fixed the bug where time of day would momentarily turn into day when near midnight.
- Fixed the bug where you could catch a 0kg and 0cm fish.
- Fixed bug where character would sometimes load beneath the world after joining the game.
- Fixed the bug where chopping logs from backpacks would teleport you back where you picked it up.
- Fixed the bug where hook packs would give you wrong type of hook.
- Possible fix for dancing player when cutting down logs.
- Fixed the bug where no birds spawned at new sectors.
- Fixed the bug when motorboat propeller would rotate even though the engine is not running.
- Fixed the bug where wrong coordinates were listed by #ListSpawnedVehicles command in single player.
- Fixed the bug with camo Pickup_01_F when prisoner was unable to draw weapon and shoot.
- Fixed animation bug when checking ammo on M1891 in first person view.
- Fixed the bug where it was possible to bury wardrobes, log sheds and shelves.
- Magazine dragged over weapon will now show equip option only if weapon is in hands.
- You can now craft improvised rod with any rope.
- Slightly lowered red dot & holographic sight intensity.
- Explosive arrows no longer require a workbench to craft.
- Adjusted the spawning rate of fishing rods.
- You can no longer place or arm silent alarm in enemy flag zones.
- You can now repair melee weapons at improvised workbenches.
- Kar98k and M1871 are now able to equip improvised suppressors.
- Tweaked the timers for suicide puppets till they explode.
- Split the C4 components available between killbox and suicide puppets.
- GPU performance optimization.
Features not listed in last patch notes (woops):
- You can now carry an extra backpack in your hands.
- You can headshot a suicide puppet, defuse it and get a C4 crafting part.
- You can bury puppets to hide your tracks.
- You can break stones into smaller stones.
- Items placed in fire now get destroyed.
- Puppets and animals now drown if they follow you in water.
Changed files in this update