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Natural Locomotion update for 8 April 2021

3rd anniversary update: Hip direction for hands mode, Y-pose calibration, & more

Share · View all patches · Build 6512029 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We released Natural Locomotion on Sunday, 8th of April of 2018 with just Vive support, a very basic hands mode and a few profiles. Looking back the application has grown a lot thanks to the support of a wonderful community that allowed us to continue the development. For this update we have only a few changes but we hope you like them.

We would like to announce we are working with Decagear team to add support to Decamove as an official Natural Locomotion tracker!
We received one a few days ago.

New Features

  • Hip direction for hands mode: You can now move in the direction of your body in hands mode, with a smartphone in the pocket or with a Vive tracker on the waist.

  • T-pose to calibrate direction quickly can now be disabled, or switched to Y-pose because the T-pose conflicted with a gesture in Population: One.

  • Some profiles now have a screenshot of the settings. Click them to expand. We will continue adding screenshots for all the profiles.

Fixes and improvements

  • Fitness stats now makes it more obvious that it's a button that can be switched from "session" to "profile" and "global".

  • Fixed some WMR headsets jumping all the time.
  • Fixed foot tracker icons, it was showing generic ones instead.
  • Miscellaneous UI changes.
  • Added and modified some profiles.

Other changes

  • Introduced some changes required for the iPhone version of NaLo tracker (it's finished and will be published soon).
  • Introduced some changes to pave the way for Decamove support
  • Reworked store page to better reflect all Natural Locomotion features

New profiles

[table][tr][th]New profiles[/th][th]HTC
Neo 2[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Corrupted Hospital : Summoner VR Part1[/td][th]✔️[/th][th][/th][th][/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th][/th][th][/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Hard Bullet[/td][th][/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][/tr]
[tr][td]PROZE: Prologue[/td][th]✔️[/th][th][/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th][/th][th][/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Silent Mansion : Summoner VR Part2[/td][th]✔️[/th][th][/th][th][/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th][/th][th][/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Tales Of Glory 2 - Retaliation[/td][th]✔️[/th][th][/th][th][/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th][/th][th][/th][/tr]
[tr][td]Thief Simulator VR[/td][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th][/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][th]✔️[/th][/tr][/table]
Changed profiles:

  • Borderlands 2 VR: Added jump function in WMR
  • Hellsplit: Arena: Added WMR profile.
  • Karnage Chronicles: Fixed instructions for Index controllers.
  • SwordsmanVR: Added WMR profile and instructions for the rest.
  • Until You Fall: Added WMR profile.
  • Zero caliber VR: Updated WMR profile.

This is what we have achieved in Natural Locomotion in the last 3 years!

Hands Mode

Slowly swing your hand controllers to walk or move them fast to run.

Other "arm swinger" implementations are very "jumpy", very slow to respond, or are a complement on button actions. Natural Locomotion uses a novel system designed to walk and run continuously, and with very precise and intuitive control of speed and acceleration. You can start, stop or change speed very quickly without "move" or "brake" buttons, it just depends on the speed you move your arms.

Buttonless activator based on gestures

Hip direction for hands mode

As we have announced today, hands mode is now compatible with body trackers (Smartphones and trackers). Using a body tracker, the direction of the movement depends on where your hip is oriented which could make this locomotion method even more immersive and comfortable.

Feet Mode

Use motion sensor devices (see the list below) attached in your feet to register your feet movements and walk in the game. It supports two kind of movements: Walk-in-place and swinging feet while sitting on a chair or using a treadmill.

Supported (tested) headsets
  • HTC Vive / Pro / Cosmos / Cosmos Elite
  • Oculus Rift / Rift S / Quest (1 and 2, through Oculus Link or Virtual Desktop)
  • Windows Mixed Reality and HP Reverb G2
  • Valve Index
  • Pimax
  • HTC Vive Cosmos
  • Pico Neo 2 and Pico Neo 2 EYE
Supported VR controllers:
  • HTC Vive wands
  • Oculus touch
  • Windows Mixed Reality (with trackpad)
  • Valve Index
  • HP Reverb G2
  • HTC Vive Cosmos
  • Pico Neo 2 6DoF controllers
Supported devices (for feet mode)

SteamVR Tools

Align VR spaces of different tracking systems

Combine lighthouse devices (Trackers, HTC Vive controllers or Index controllers) with Oculus, WMR or Vive Cosmos headsets.

Convert some SteamVR controllers into trackers

This tool will temporarily emulate HTC Vive trackers using other lighthouse devices (And Oculus CV1 controllers) without flashing them.

Convert Steam Controller dongles to Vive/Index dongles

This utility allows you to convert Steam Controller dongles into Vive/Valve controller/tracker dongles (and restore them).

You need one dongle per device. A Vive or Index headset has two of them built in. For example if you have 4 controllers and an Index/Vive headset (only USB and power connected), you only have 2 receptors and you need 2 dongles to use all controllers.


The past 3 years we added profiles for 88 games, which could not be very impressive, but if you count the different profiles for each controller type this number jumps to 476 (not counting Revive profiles).

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