We've installed a hotfix for Hired Ops that fixes issues with the major update.
List of fixes:
● Fixed an issue with buying WB.
● Fixed an issue with clan contracts.
● Adjusted damage formulas. Improved the calculation of damage if the bullet hit several parts of the enemy body.
● Issue with changing of clan membership parameters was resolved.
● Fixed a bug that allowed the clan to select the clan tag color when creating a clan.
All clans that took advantage of the bug color tag will be reset to standard in the near future.
● Clans are now saved and displayed in the clan rating.
● Daily update of corporations contracts has been fixed.
● Fixed targeting after respawn if you were killed while in aiming mode.
● Fixed a bug that caused groups to enter almost full servers, creating an imbalance in the match (e.g. 6 players vs. 4).
Thank you for the feedback! Enjoy the game!
Changed files in this update