It's finally done and I can't wait to see what people will do with it.
The upgrade includes other new features but most importantly it allows for placing/editing wires, accessing the full electric part list and setting values (timer, branch, etc.). Non-upgraded users can still toggle switches and timers. Opening and saving Fortify files with wired devices is the same for all users. Same goes for the copy-paste file format which will include circuits.
1.613 Update
added a horse deployable
upgraded to Unity 2018.4 to fix issues with windowed/fullscreen settings
fixed foundation height being too high with copy-paste exports
fixed info spots not loading
added electric tag for workshop items
fixed stability mode reset causing some parts to have no stability
continuous building block placement (holding LMB) no longer works when “allow overlap” is on
adjusted camera tilt limit to allow for looking straight down and up (better for orthographic mode blueprint screenshots)
fixed replace icon not going away in some instances
fixed changing deployables not showing while mousing over same building part
fixed a bug with info spots being offset in 3rd person
There's a ton of new code with the electrical system so please report any bugs.
Changed files in this update