Hi everyone, the Wine Production Update (Alpha is live!
*Savegames from the previous version are compatible!**
*All mods need to be updated by modders to make them compatible with this new version. See the Migration documentation**
*All mods from the previous version are unsupported and may cause crashes.****
Game changes
- New wine production chain:
- New building: Monastery Vineyard
- New building: Monastery Winery
- New building: Cooperage
- Production of workplaces can now be paused, halving maintenance cost
- Villager window now displays distance between home and workplace
- Improved job selection UI
- Destroying a building under construction will refund upfront cost
- Add severities to warning window (low, high) to distinguish stuck agents from full workplaces.
- Farm have separated farm fields, zonable through the workplace window. All fields need to be zoned on previous savegames. You also need to press the "Start production" button once you have finished zoning.
- Change in balancing (WIP):
- Reduce production rate of honey
- Reduce production rate of herbs
- Reduce the value on herbs and honey on the market compared to wine
- Wine is tradable
- Texture uniformisation on Stone Bridge, Small Stone Wall and Large Stone Wall
- Changes on some Monastery building part cost
- Update localization
- mod:registerPrefabComponent to add component to FBX nodes
- adding workplaces
- adding monuments and bridges
- adding walls
- expose particle systems features
- overriding game assets
- individual log files for mods
- new example mod: Mithril Factory
- mod IO functions
- mod dependencies
- mod sandboxing: hide some potentially dangerous lua function from mods
- msgbox function will only log and won't display a messagebox, unless enabled in usersetting.config
- log and crash as soon as a circular parenting is detected
- lua will use mod relative path when logging lua error instead of long path
- expose game textures to lua materials
- fix: generate generated_ids.lua sooner if inexistent
- fix: COMP_BUILDING_PART.FeedbackComponentListToActivate on certain type of production buildings
- fix: QUEST.OnFailCallback was never triggered
- fix: EVENT_CALLBACK_TRIGGER_EVENT with delay 0 was never triggered
- rename DELAYED_QUEST.QuestResource into DELAYED_QUEST.AssetQuest
- rename WALL_CONFIG.UvTillingWall into WALL_CONFIG.UvTilingWall
- rename WALL_CONFIG.UvTillingTop into WALL_CONFIG.UvTilingTop
Bug fixes
- Construction will cancel if builder profile change to monk
- Use S3TC compressed texture when supported
- Forbid zone painting outside of player territory
- Zone cleaning when abandoning tile
- Occasional crash when leaving a game containing a bailiff office
- Fix various crashes
- Zoning tool optimization & interpolation between two frames
- Tree shadows are now dynamic
Changed files in this update