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Dungeon Kingdom: Sign of the Moon update for 18 May 2019

Update 0.9.955

Share · View all patches · Build 3836102 · Last edited 18 May 2019 – 10:50:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, dear explorers!

Dungeon Kingdom latest update (V0.9.955) is now available. There are several improvements and fixes included since the Black Mage Quarter publication.

  • Many fixes on Black Mage Quarters (Thanks so much to players who took the time to report those issues and give me their feedbacks! It is so much appreciated and welcomed!

  • Better feedbacks on some puzzles (such as sound feedbacks when some are solved)

  • Adjusted some items and modified the environment to avoid misleading information (especially in Illusion & Gravity Labs).

  • Also some fixes/improvements in previous chapters. I reduced a bit the memory consumption for players that are playing on laptop computers to avoid crashes due to a limited amount of graphics memory. Also fixed a few minor collisions & occlusions issues.

I will keep collecting feedbacks on the Black Mage Quarter, so feel free to send yours. This one is long to play (actually a bit longer than I initially thought) and perhaps a bit difficult for easy & normal modes, so I am planning to had more hints when the time for global balancing will come.

Now I am mainly focusing on finishing the integration of story in the next chapter, The Old Foundations.

Here are two screens from this next chapter:

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