This update adds new heroes for a number of nations and new summons for the Japanese inspired nations. Other notable improvements are unique vampire summons for Ulm, user interface improvements, additional details shown for many rituals. There is also the usual bug fixes, minor tweaks and improvements for modders. The manual has been updated as well.
- New heroes for Rus, Vanarus, Shinuyama, Man and MA Xibalba.
- Spell details printed as yellow text
- Late age Ulm can now summon a limited amount of unique vampires
- Sneaking commanders have grey backgrounds on Army Setup screen
- New layout for Host Schedule for network games
- New layout for Select Nations during network play
- View statistics in Map Editor
- Army affecting rituals will now target the largest enemy army if multiple are in the same province.
- New summons for some of the Japanese nations: Araburu-kami, Omukade, Bakeneko, Tanuki, Okami
- Oni Generals can command more regular units
- Bakemono Sho size 2 -> 1
- Bakemono have mountain rebate
- Shuten-doji now has invulnerability
- Kappa has land encumbrance instead of negative land reinvigoration
- Recruitment rebates now affect the price directly
- Some heroes got older in later eras
- Fix for Siren's lure message
- Forge item screen now remembers the selected item type
- Burning Mountain site can now only appear in the capital of Phlegra
- Master of the Games starts with a random heroic ability
- The detailed Dominion info now takes hostile dominion penalties into account
- Fix for some bad 3d backgrounds in main menu
- Try harder to create temporary file
- Improved Combat Speed info on monsters
- Plate Hauberk defence penalty -3 -> -2
- Combining multiple PD rituals didn't work properly
- Seduction could result in incorrect message when no commander was found
- Grey Ones got too many eyes when imprisoned
- Rec Points is no longer capped at 40000 population
- Bless effects sorted properly
- Make sure not too many render commands get buffered up
- Fix for disciple design points after pressing 'r'
- Pangaea White Minotaur is now a multi hero
- Fall damage from Wind Ride is now size dependent
- Perpetual Storm increases map movement cost
- PD have home province
- Toad Tribe PD fixed
- Fire Shield values slightly raised
- Bane Venom Charm less deadly
- A mage will refuse to cast communion slave when it is the only caster left
- Fix for potential double host when using schedule with fixed host times
- Add/remove pretender 2h files manually on server during network game creation and the game status will be updated accordingly
- Numbness will no longer affect units with cold res 5+
- Error messages when trying to cast Twiceborn on undeads and similar
- Chaos Power, Magic Power, etc. now affects stealth value too
- A New special troll province
- A commander's auto spawned units appears in squad with same units
- Nametype bug fix for new heroes
- Network game would crash if no nation was selected the first time
- Chak Muuch Dart Thrower now has a poisoned spear
- Description and typo fixes
- Biddyn map fix
- Stat fixes
- Site fixes
- New commands: #reqspellsinger, #reqtaskmaster, #reqseduce
- New commands: #enchrebate25p, #enchrebate50p
- New commands: #noreqlab, #noreqtemple, #sleepaura, #startheroab
- New commands: #bugreform, #reformtime, #springimmortal
- New event commands: #req_targnomnr, #req_targprophet, #assowner
- #onlymnr can be used with montags
- #poisonarmor and #berserk for items didn't work
- Improved modding error messages
- #newweapon and #newarmor no longer requires a number
- Event Modding: delay 0 events will now be resolved in the same turn
- Event Modding: #delayskip
Changed files in this update