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Punch Planet update for 22 April 2019

Punch Planet - Version 0.5.2.c

Share · View all patches · Build 3755899 · Last edited 22 April 2019 – 00:45:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Version 0.5.2.c is now released! This update contains training mode improvements and some performance optimizations.

Training Mode - Reversal Actions
Added the ability to have the training dummy perform actions after being struck or getting up from a knockdown. Players can choose up to five actions that will be done automatically. Actions can be chosen from a list of available moves per-character and are saved between game sessions.

This will be extremely helpful for players who want to learn the ins-and-outs of the game engine, by allowing them to set up specific situations in order to test their frame traps, knockdown setups, whiff punish spacing and more.

This implementation is pretty good but it doesn't quite allow for testing of all the situations, but it will be serviceable for a majority of use cases. Eventually we will add support for recording your own actions, but setting up the UX for that is substantially more work.

Training Mode - Block Type "First"
Added ability to set the training dummy to block the first attack of a sequence, and get hit by the rest. This allows players to test situations where their first hit is blocked but their followup attack lands.

Training Mode - Block Type "Auto" Updated
Updated auto blocking logic for the training dummy, which should cover some situations that were previously not working:

  • Will now block when being air-reset
  • Will now block when rising from a knockdown
  • Will now block when being hit with a mid->low true-blockstring

Training Mode - KO Enabled
Added ability to KO opponents in training mode.

Training Mode - Health Start Settings
Added ability to set the starting and refresh value for health.

Training Mode - Health Regen Settings
Added ability to toggle whether health regenerates or not in training mode.

Training Mode - Per Player Settings
All above player settings in addition to T-Meter, E-Meter, and Maxx-HappyHour settings, are now settable per-player. Can be helpful if a player wants to practice with unlimited meter against a cpu that doesn't.

Training Mode - Updated Health / Meter Refresh Logic
Updated logic that controls when health and meter is refreshed so that it's more consistent and correct. These will now only refresh once the player has returned to a neutral state and does not initiate another move.

Training Mode - Added Game Timer
Added option for turning on the game timer.

General Optimizations
Made some low-level code optimizations to the move and input controllers that should make these a bit faster. These functions get called many times per frame when trying to figure out which move needs to be used, and the improvements should make the game feel snappier and help with rollback situations (very cpu dependant).

These changes have been added to the main Version 0.5.2 change-log, which can be found here.

As always if you want to keep up to date with development, please follow us on social media. If anything, definitely join the discord!

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