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Caves of Qud update for 13 April 2019

Feature Friday - April 12, 2019

Share · View all patches · Build 3734329 · Last edited 13 April 2019 – 00:30:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Reminder: per our announcement here, there are 6 DAYS LEFT before the price of Caves of Qud bumps up to $14.99!


  • The Barathrumites are still remodeling. Continue staying tuned.

  • Added new item: blood-gradient hand vacuum.

  • We refreshed how turrets work.

  • Turrets now require ammo to fire. You can supply a friendly turret with ammo when you deploy it, via its interaction menu, or via smart use.

  • Turrets must now reload their weapons.

  • Turrets now have power switches. You can only access them if you have sufficient security clearance.

  • You can now find dynamic turrets -- turrets created from arbitrary missile weapons -- in the wild.

  • Added the following new creatures: low-light laser turret tinker, eigenturret tinker, blast cannon tinker, phase cannon tinker, and dynamic turret tinker.

  • Added two new supporting items: storage tank and gourd.

  • Added a new item mod, jacked, which allows gear to be powered by robots (particularly turrets) who wield it via their onboard systems or from grid power they have access to.

  • Traipsing mortars now use ammo and can scavenge to fabricate it.

  • Seed-spitting vines, thirst thistles, slugsnouts, and agolflies now generate ammo through biological mechanisms rather than not use ammo.

  • Slugsnouts now have tusks.

  • Agolflies now have mandibles.

  • Added a new tile for troll foals.

  • Base troll creatures no longer appear outside of Bethesda Susa.

  • In most cases smart use now prefers to pet creatures, if possible, rather than talk to them.

  • Dart guns and booster guns now use the Pistol skill rather than Heavy Weapons.

  • Grenade launchers now have the correct weight of 15 pounds.

  • Fleeing creatures now prefer to flee into tiles that have fewer adjacent enemies, unless they are panic-fleeing due to a fear effect.

  • Aquatic creatures no longer pathfind or flee into tiles containing liquid containers or puddles too small to swim in. This also applies to player auto-movement while dominating an aquatic creature.

  • Leering stalkers, chrome pyramids, traipsing mortars, and boosterbots no longer drop their ranged weapons upon death (once again).

  • Repairing items via the trade screen now correctly charges the listed water cost.

  • Norm cores now have a power switch that can be accessed if you have sufficient security clearance. They occasionally start in the off state.

  • Liquids that fizz away when using the pour command now exhibit the same behavior when using the collect command.

  • HP restored by life drain is now treated as healing and includes messaging and floating text.

  • Fixed a bug that broke night-vision implants when they were reimplanted after the game had been saved and restored.

  • Fixed a bug that caused phase-conjugate grenades to not shift phase after the game had been saved and restored.

  • Fixed a bug that caused dismembered limbs and equipment to not appear on the ground if the dismembering attack killed the target.

  • Fixed a bug that allowed the player to accumulate multiple beguiled or proselytized companions by leaving them in far-away zones and later returning to them.

  • Fixed a number of bugs involving stat modifiers from effects becoming permanent on your clones.

Windows Caves of Qud - Windows Depot 333641
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macOS Caves of Qud - OSX Depot 333642
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Linux Caves of Qud - Linux Depot 333643
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