Patch besides multiple small improvements, introduces 3 big changes to Penkura. First update is directed to our save/load system, "load game" section was written from the ground up, game will now load from 10 to 60 % faster depending on save size (Previous save files created on earlier version of this system won't be corrupted, system will adjust old saves to new system).
Another big update is directed to our camera/models rendering almost every model in Penkura was adjusted to new occlusion system which lowered render requirements up to 15 % in certain locations players on weaker machines should see a performance boost from these changes.
Last big update was done to our Biometer Ring.
From the start we planned Penkura to have an as minimalistic user interface as possible, because of that we need to provide the player with a lot of data in a different way. Handheld Map system already provides a lot of data on player and points of interest location, map size, but basic information on player status was accessible only by Biometer Ring, located on user's wrist, we feel that this is not enough.
From now on, Biometer Ring will provide voice cues in critical moments, such as when the player starts to lose oxygen, or his vital sinds drop to a critical level. In future patches, we will add even more communication between the player and the game environment.
And as always, for more information about the updates, progress and known bugs please join our Discord Community.
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Hydrogel Purificator and Tirix Fusion Power Plant have visual errors in 3d holographic presentation.
Text window blinks if multi messages are given at once.
Ambient Occlusion added to the camera rendering process.
Ambient Occlusion Checkbox added to Main Menu.
New foliage type added.
Biometer Ring now provides critical status by voice.
Added Low Oxygen level, Critical Vitals and Below 40 % Oxygen audio cues.
-Biometer Ring now checks player status more precise.
Changes to player Vital (possitive or negative) are now printet on text window.
Points of interest discovered by the bot will now be saved to the player map.
Small improvemenets to foliage placement system (should be less empty spaces randomly found in the forest).
Update to Trees level of details (small performance boost).
Update to rock formation level of details and shadow render (small performance boost).
Complete model change of all mountains.
New Item added to the game (Neuclir the Antitoxin shot)
New blueprint for crafting added to the game.
Save system now saves buildings energy and oxygen status.
New save system added to Penkura, should reduce load time and lower the chance for error while loading.
(old save files will adjust to the new save system automaticly). -
Improved occlusion to all Ancient structures (small performance boost).
Added new level of details to Hydrogel Tank Structure and improved occlusion (small performance boost).
Added level of details to Power Storage, Lamp, Ore Extractor, Tunnel Type (I, I Windowed, T, T Windowed, X) Solar Panels, and Beacon structures (small performance boost).
MMC and CCC are now occlude with the new system (small performance boost).
Changed files in this update