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JCB Pioneer: Mars update for 7 December 2018

December Announcement

Share · View all patches · Build 3358331 · Last edited 15 March 2019 – 18:19:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Pioneers,

After months of hard work, we are now happy to announce that we will be pushing our Beta Version 2 build to the main steam branch!

What this means?

For anyone who hasn't been playing the BETA branch of the game, you will now be required to download the new version of JCB Pioneer: Mars. Unfortunately, due to the nature of our restructuring and rebuilding of the game, you will be forced to lose any and all progress that you have gained up to this point and will need to restart the game from the very beginning. We apologise for any inconvenience but are assured that you will find the new version plays better than the original.

For any who have been playing the BETA branch, you will need to swap back to the main branch of the game from now on as we will not be pushing any further updates to the BETA branch.

Here's a link to the updates/bugs fixes made to Version 2.0 of the game:
Version 2.0 Updates and Bug Fixes

Going Ahead

There is still plenty of balancing, bug fixes, more content (Research and Workers) that we are still progressing with and will soon be able to give you an update on those very soon.

As a final reminder, any issues with the Version 2 build please now use the main Bug & Issue Reports subforum.

We thank you for your patience and thank you for reading

Atomicom Team

JCB Pioneer: Mars Content Depot 536661
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