Hey pilots!
Super Hydorah landed on Steam a year ago, can you believe it? Since then, the game has received lots of rave reviews and more importantly the community support, allowing us to bring the game to a wide range of platforms and even Physical format.
Maybe, the biggest complaint was how tough the game is. It is true and we listened.
In the Delta Lance HQ we never leave our crew behind. That is why today we are happy to share some fresh and good news. A new update for Super Hydorah is out including the following changes:
• Full support in Chinese, Russian, Turkish and 6 other languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian & Japanese;
• New skill mode for inexperienced pilots - Each pilot counts against the Meroptian army;
• Looking better than ever with some welcomed aesthetic changes;
• New boss life bar - Empty them all!
• Even more refinements here and there
We really hope you enjoy the new features.
Long live Super Hydorah!
Changed files in this update