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Dota 2 update for 17 October 2017

Share · View all patches · Build 2207158 · Last edited 11 August 2018 – 09:06:01 UTC by Wendy

There are no official patch notes available for this build.

The following changelog has been automatically generated from GameTracking data.


  • Updated localization files for Greek, Polish, Portuguese-Brazil, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, English, and Ukrainian

English Localization

  • DOTA_Hotkeys_Tooltip_PriorityUnit: Sets a unit as a priotiry unit.Sets a unit as a priority unit.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_Description: Beastmaster lets loose a deafening roar that stuns, and shoves open, a path to its target. All units in the path of the roar are damaged, while units shoved aside by the roar have their movement and attack speed slowed.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.Beastmaster lets loose a deafening roar that stuns, and shoves open a path to its target. All units in the path of the roar are damaged, while units shoved aside by the roar have their movement and attack speed slowed.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_huskar_burning_spear_Note0: Burning Spears stacks additively when used multiple times on one target. There is no cap.Burning Spear stacks additively when used multiple times on one target. There is no cap.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_chaos_strike_Description: Each of Chaos Knight's attacks has a chance to deal bonus damage, also causing the critical strike to lifesteal for %lifesteal%%% of the damage .Each of Chaos Knight's attacks has a chance to deal bonus damage, also causing the critical strike to lifesteal for %lifesteal%%% of the damage.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_chaos_knight_phantasm_aghanim_description: Reduces cooldown by 20 seconds and allows Phantoms to be cast on an allied hero. 1200 Cast RangeReduces cooldown by 20 seconds and allows Phantasm to be cast on an allied hero. 1200 Cast Range
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_monkey_king_mischief_movespeed: MOVESPEED:MOVE SPEED:
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_special_bonus_unique_riki_2: -4s Smokescreen Cooldown-4s Smoke Screen Cooldown
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_special_bonus_unique_huskar_2: +5 Burning Spears DPS+5 Burning Spear DPS
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_special_bonus_unique_pugna_3: +0.75 Netherward Damage Per Mana+0.75 Nether Ward Damage Per Mana
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_special_bonus_unique_broodmother_3: +60 Spawn Spiderling Damage+60 Spawn Spiderlings Damage
  • DOTA_Trading_Response_WalletFundsNotTrusted: There has been a new payment method recently added to this account so it cannot be used for trades.<br><br>If you would like verify this payment method, you can do so <a href=\"event:ExternalBrowserGoToURL('')\&quot;&gt;&lt;span class=\"LabelLink\">here</span></a>.There has been a new payment method recently added to this account so it cannot be used for trades.<br><br>If you would like to verify this payment method, you can do so <a href=\"event:ExternalBrowserGoToURL('')\&quot;&gt;&lt;span class=\"LabelLink\">here</span></a>.
  • dota_hud_error_starfall_no_charges: No Starfall ChargesNo Starstorm Charges
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_dagon_5_Description: <h1>Active: Energy Burst</h1> Emits a powerful burst of magical damage upon a targeted enemy unit. Upgradable.<br><br>Damage: %damage%<br>Range: %range_tooltip%<br>Mana Cost: %mana_cost_tooltip%<h1>Active: Energy Burst</h1> Emits a powerful burst of magical damage upon a targeted enemy unit.<br><br>Damage: %damage%<br>Range: %range_tooltip%<br>Mana Cost: %mana_cost_tooltip%
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_enchanted_mango_Note0: Hold Control to use on a neaby allied hero.Hold Control to use on a nearby allied hero.
  • DOTA_ChallengeDesc_UseRefresher_Ranked: Use <font color='#4dc0f0'>Refresher</font> <font color='#4dc0f0'>%s1</font> times.Use <font color='#4dc0f0'>Refresher Orb</font> <font color='#4dc0f0'>%s1</font> times.
  • DOTA_ChallengeStatusText_RestoreMana: %s2I need to restore %s1 more mana to allies(s)!%s2I need to restore %s1 more mana to allies!
  • DOTA_ChallengeStatusText_UseHalberd_Ranked: %s2I need to get disarm an enemy with Heaven's Halberd %s1 more time(s)!%s2I need to disarm an enemy with Heaven's Halberd %s1 more time(s)!
  • DOTA_ChallengeStatusText_UseRefresher_Ranked: %s2I need to get use a refresher %s1 time(s)!%s2I need to use a refresher %s1 time(s)!
  • DOTA_ChallengeStatusText_UseCheese_Multigame: %s2I need to consume the Cheese %s1 more time(s)%s2I need to consume the Cheese %s1 more time(s)!
  • DOTA_ChallengeStatus_Blink_Stun: %s2I need to stun %s1 more heroes after using using my Blink Dagger!%s2I need to stun %s1 more heroes after using my Blink Dagger!
  • DOTA_ChallengeStatus_Kills_Of_Armor_Debuffed_Enemies: %s2I need to get %s1 more kills or assists after using reducing their armor!%s2I need to get %s1 more kills or assists after reducing their armor!
  • DOTA_ChallengeStatusText_Shivas_Slow_Damage: %s2I need to slow enemy heroes for %s1 more second(s) with Shivas Guard!%s2I need to slow enemy heroes for %s1 more second(s) with Shiva's Guard!
  • DOTA_ChallengeStatusText_DamageFromGlimmer: %s2I need to deal %s1 more damage while under the effect of glimmer cape!%s2I need to deal %s1 more damage while under the effect of Glimmer Cape!
  • DOTA_ChallengeStatusText_TotalHexDuration: %s2I need to hex my enemies with for %s1 more second(s)!%s2I need to hex my enemies for %s1 more second(s)!
  • DOTA_ChallengeStatus_EchoSabreHits: %s2I need to hit %s1 more enemy hero(s) with my Echo Sabre!%s2I need to hit %s1 more enemy hero(es) with my Echo Sabre!
  • DOTA_ChallengeStatus_BreakHits: %s2I need to break %s1 more hero(s) with a Silver Edge!%s2I need to break %s1 more hero(es) with a Silver Edge!
  • dota_weekend_tourney_hub_overview_battle_cup: BattlecupBattle Cup
  • DOTA_HeroGuide_AbilityLabel: AbiliitiesAbilities
Dota 2 Content Depot 373301
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Windows 64-bitDLC 313250 Dota 2 Workshop tools Depot 381450
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Dota 2 Content 4 Depot 381453
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